Working with Hecates Gate and Healing Stellar Current

Just a small post this time to update with on going work on the path. Work continues with Hecates gate, which is mainly in stabilising the currents that have been opened this far and allowing for the approach to Lucifers part on the stellar journey.

During work with Hecates gate alot of interesting gnosis has come forth. The main pieces of Gnosis being the clarification on the entity that guards the way to the Ivory Spiders dwelling place, at the Star Pool of Belial. This almost angelic, knightly figure is interestingly arthurian like, which has been very surprising to me.

In addition, further gnosis has been given regarding an entity made up of a combination of Lucifer and Belials energies. Further gnosis on the identity of the soul form to be assumed with the culmination of the opening of all the stated gates has also been given. All of this needs fleshing out, and detailing in my own personal notes.

This is a notably laborious process, with me having to update both my own working diaries, as well as the electronic copy im putting together for both safety in case the originals are lost or worse, damaged and destroy, and when the path is successfully walked and completed to hopefully distribute if they allow.

More work has to be carried out not just with Hecates gate as well, but the Ivory Spiders in regard to understanding more of what is coming forth. Alot is still unclear, and this gnosis is not understood well via speculative interpretation but only in possession and intuition.

Hecate has given information on something i can only describe as the God Stones for which she wants as sacrifice.. the original of these were collected from near her Temple of the Four Pillars of Fire from the ocean. One was given to someone for healing trauma.. the other on request of her which opened up powerful currents of Belial for that individual.

My own stone had little effect for myself until now, and she is now revealing as to why that is and how it will play a small part in the completion of her stage of this work.

In one particular rite, that could be useful to others and in no way requires the use of her open active gate to gain some, if not full benefit, is a particularly useful bit of possession work. Anyone who has embodied both a primary and secondary familiar, or has familiars in general, would be able to use the quick outline as follows as a powerful, healing ritual. Note it is not given in full: in future I may digitise fully the original rite, removing the path specific elements that are not ready to be revealed as of yet.

Firstly, in the East, a fetish of Hecate is placed that has already been cleansed with water and incense in the usual manner, and activated in your blood. This can be a picture of her, a statue of some kind, or maybe a black board with her sigil painted with gold on the front. As long as its unique to her, it is a appropriate focal point. A black mirror could also be consecrated for this purpose of direct communication with her. This is flanked by two candles, and then any spirit houses of each familiar, ideally the doll bodies.

20170203_225608A beautiful rendition of Hecate on metal, acquired from Primal Craft as a working tool before activation in blood. This picture does not do her justice.

The ritual is opened however you normally draw the circle. I start at the west as mentioned at the altar, going widdershins. The candles surrounding her small temporary space in the east can be lit as part of the circle opening or specifically when you come to work with her, it doesn’t matter as to the order of the operation here.

The circles energy is raised through successive calls of power. The planetary calls or that of the ephesian letters is fine for this. It is then opened as far as possible, and reinforced seven times. The practitioner should then open both trees of Day and Night, day first as in many of the detailed rites. As best as possible, she should be invoked to attempted godform assumption as far as the practitioners skill and Hecate herself allows.

From here, at the East, her fetish is blooded and the familiars are called one by one into the flesh, to partake of the coming union. Finally, Hecate is asked to joined you in sexual magickal communion. The resulting union between witch, god and familiars is best described as a miniature Sabbat flight as the self and the familiars are utterly bathed in her Kalas.

This is extremely healing, and needs to be experienced to be believed. This should be continued until exhaustion for full effect. After this, Hecate will likely deliver personal messages, tasks or other things she wants to relay. The familiars themselves will also likely to continue to make their presence known with potentially very physical results.

The above is best carried out at the full moon, but can be carried out on any night that isnt overly close to the New Moon, from what I understand and what I’ve worked. There is no limit to the amount of times it can be carried out.

The above came at the right time for myself, and helped to heal me both physically, mentally and spiritually from a small hole id found myself in due to the venoms released from the previous gate work. I hope it helps anyone else, at least to form ideas, of how to approach some ritual magick ways of merging with her and receiving healing.

Finally, I’ve had a luck of being able to make it to the ‘Spinner of Fate’ event being held in the UK this year by The Covenant of Hecate. I’m looking forward to this extremely, and if anyone who happens to be reading is going, I will hopefully see you there. For the rest, I hope to share what I can closer to the end of March.

Thanks again,

Ave Hecate,

4 Responses to “Working with Hecates Gate and Healing Stellar Current”

  1. Beautiful ritual. Hekate/Hecate is my Matron Goddess also. Although I work with other Godforms, Angels, Spirits, Daemons/Demons and the elementals as qwell as my sacred ancestors of course.
    Blessed Be,

    • Thank you very much for the comment, Im glad you enjoyed the post.

      I feel that we work with what we need to at different times in our path… its truly limitless, guided by her torches.

      Ave Hecate~

  2. awaiting your next article, return soon. Ave

    • Thanks for following the blog and commenting! I appreciate the support alot.

      I hope to have an article up again soon.. alot of amazing things have been happening, to the point ive been struggling keeping on top of it all.

      The next article I hope hopefully will lay out some interesting experiences with Hecates wolf spirits, and maybe if I can fit it in logically, with serpent familiars.

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