Archive for Occult

This Blessed Samhain – The Eclipse of the Dark Moon Huntress

Posted in The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2023 by Sypheara

It has been a rather distracting time here in the cold, damp and dreary north of the UK. The Wheel has most certainly spun, and Summer has most assuredly died. It has taken a few days to really compose my thoughts to put something together onto paper; for more qualified voices have put it better than I feel I ever could or should.

Before I launch forth therefore – I hope everyone has had a blessed Samhain period. This time of year always feels very special to me – that the Gods and Spirits are close this year, is certainly in no doubt. At times, I have felt them almost overwhelmingly so. I hope much strength was taken from sabbatic congress, and that much love and joy was had in tandem with those we care about the most.

However, this year in particular feels powerful beyond the pale. The name of this post is rather specific – referring to the Dark Moon Huntress edition of Queen of Hell, which made its way out into the world within the past week or so. This work couldn’t be more aptly timed in its release nor in it’s arrival to my door. It arrived on the day of the partial lunar eclipse, the day of the Esbat just before the Sabbat itself. A sign, of the unification of the Dark and the Full Moon – Hecate in her full complete aspect, at the turning of the wheel from the old to new.

This on its own seemed distinctly magical. Coinciding with wider events in the world, it seemed downright prophetic. What strange times we live in, I find myself often thinking these days. It is no surprise to me that, with Hecate’s timing of the unfolding of this work, that the Magister of our Arte and Temple of Four Pillars of Fire decided to choose this time to make public the information surrounding the ‘Three Countries’ Prophecies. Things, have as they say, progressed.

I won’t dwell on the actual content that came out of those specifically here – as Mark relates in his own public post, there is no desire to be dragged into a political mire. It is not my arena to engage with – at this time, but rather I feel instead it is better to give a personal example of how the energy around this most portentous of Sabbats has affected me and our work at the temple to give additional insight.

I hope that this serves others well, in the want to transmit the love the current brings with it.

Darkness Manifesting by Midjourney

It was about the end of August – September when I began to feel the true tonal shift. Everything seemed heavier, and thick – more than what would normally be ascribed to the coming on of the Autumnal Season.

One particular night, I was feeling a bit disconnected. This was despite it being the full moon – an occurrence that usually has me amped up. In this case, I felt restless, like the powers that be wanted to show me something. But not to be clear, the good restless. Something nagged at me, and I couldn’t put my finger on what.

Out of all the things that I feel helps in these moments, one of the better ones for myself to shake a bit of sense into me has always been a good trip to the sea. The ocean, being the wellspring of ancestral memory, is distinctly liminal, and always connects me strongly back to Hecate. It has never failed me as a powerful crossroads. It has always been there, somewhere I can cast out unwanted mental and spiritual detritus and recharge. This, interestingly, despite me having a somewhat moderate case of thalassophobia – a fear of the sea – something tempered over the last half-decade by working with Belial, in his mask of Neptune / Poseidon, as well as with the Great Sea Dragon Leviathan. A certain dunking, by a certain witch, probably also helped immensely.

So to that end, I got into my car and set off. I have a particular place by the coast, which always helps take my mind off things. It overlooks the water, across to a town in the distance, and often the moon rises in a way to place itself almost directly between them. That night, parked up and stuffing myself with ice-cream, I looked out across the eerily still surface. The glare of the town was reflected off the mirrorlike surface, as were the more powerful pin pricks of light that trailed across the night sky, but they were not the stars of the show. The moon indeed was out to greet me in all her full glory, and the sky was clear. The moonglade cut a perfect path between the heavens, across the water, towards me.

It was a wondrous night. Beautiful beyond words, and my description above can only partially do it justice. Everything was so still – with very little wind. It was quite late, and, as I sat there in my car parked up, the quieter it became. Soon, there were no more fellow travellers passing my way. It was just me, the moon, the glow of the dash, and the quietly humming background noise of BBC Radio 3.

Moonglade, Unknown Photographer

Whilst calm and serene, there was something tinged in the air – a certain melancholy, that I could not place. It was not all internal – although certainly part of me mirrored what I was feeling that night. At that moment, I actually reached out and asked me question.

‘What do you want to show me?’

At first, nothing happened. Then, something magical occurred. A shadow passed over the car, and a dark figure fell from above. It fell down near the long grass, its talons gripping something. Two large, black eyes like pools locked with mine for an instant, glowing strongly with the reflection of both car light and night sky. Then, in a instant, the bird took flight again, a small shadow wrapped in its grasp. I sat there, stunned as I watched the Barn Owl whirl and quickly fly out of sight, back inland.

It was at that moment, that a new song started up on the radio. I cannot for the life of me remember the name it, despite searching far and wide. It was called something like the invocation of the old gods, and was ostensibly about the Norse pantheon. Regardless, the obvious symbolism in the timing felt extremely on the nose. The song was a lament, that of a changing world, and of time itself. It was discordant, disjointed thing and not necessarily pleasant to listen to, but had me enrapt throughout its entirity.

I sat there in stunned silence, trying to decipher what was coming through. I laughed nervously because, the more I listened, the more obvious it was in its directness. The answer was simply thus – a feeling to be clear, rather than any spoken word but that can be translated as: ‘You have succeeded in finding that which you already know to be true. Here at the edge of your world, at the turning of the wheel, it is confirmed. You stand at a crossroads of great change. Know that we are close and take heart in that.’

Despite the content, and the feeling of connectedness, there was an eerieness to it that pervaded. Like being near to the scene of an accident, or near a place where lightning has just struck. That almost indescribable liminal feeling that something has physically opened to the other world. Needless to say, once the song was over, the radio went straight off. I drove home content I had received my answer, and spent the rest of the way back in contemplative silence.

Barn Owl, Unknown Photographer

This proved an apt message and feeling, now that I look back at it after Samhain with everything that has gone on. Both as a warning, as well as a blessing, and one that I think everyone who works the Witchcraft can interpret without much difficulty.

That said, just as with the reassurance in the message that was delivered, this season is not all about heaviness! I feel that requires highlighting. Just as Beltane has its darker flipside, so does Samhain have its lighter one, and given the greater backdrop of events it is critically important to bare in mind. It is somewhat ironic that I write the main content of this post on November the 5th. In the UK, this is a day that is celebrated with copious amounts of fireworks. I think it says a lot about our country that the celebration revolves around the execution of Guy Fawkes. Fawkes was a catholic rebel, who was hanged and quartered on 31 January 1606 for attempting to blow up parliament and the King of England. This night strangely given the rather grisly backstory, has a rather jovial atmosphere – and it has always capped the Samhain season for me due to its proximity. This is less strange that it may sound, when we consider that many of the customs of Samhain bled into ‘Bonfire Night’. That there is therefore this felt connection is thus not really all that surprising.

As such, the lighting of the bonfire, the fireworks, the carnival like atmosphere all points to one key element. That of the always present and sacred liminal fire which accompanies the dark. As the wheel turns, both seasonally and on a grander stage, we can take great solace in one surefire thing. That is the fact that Hecate stands tall, torches in hand, guiding the way for her devotees and the world. In this, her presence both balances and rejuvenates us. It orientates us in time, and gives meaning to our lives.

The fires lit at this time of the year, for both the Gods and Dead, were said to have protective and cleansing effects. In many ways, it is the final outpouring of a dying year – the last ecstatic release, as the old dies, and makes way for the new. We must always be mindful that underpinning this symbolism is a very fundamental reality – that of the inevitability of change. This could be seen as a negative, but to the witchcraft soul, this brings with it a powerful promise – that is, the promise of rebirth and renewal.

We must trust that the Gods will see us through the darker times and the setting of the sun, regardless what happens, and will deliver us into the new dawn. It is not a blind faith, but one mirrored in microcosm and macrocosm, following eternal, divine law as lain down by the Goddess of Hell, Heaven and Earth. Just as the bird descends through the western gate to be reborn, so must even the ages of the world.

On that note, I must say I have been very blessed this Samhain. I have had the opportunity to spend it with people important to me, whilst also opening new avenues for exploration. Occult wise, the work begins to coalesce powerfully, and gates open in both the personal, group and at world soul level. I could not ask for better people to have my back. I truly wish that for everyone. Go deep with the work, find your solace and connection there; this is where we find our true freedom.

With that said, I leave the reader with some beautiful imagery. Below are some lovely pictures from the Penrith Winter Droving 2023, an event which happens in the town of Penrith, North West England, every year. Beginning in 2012, it is a beautiful rebirth of old tradition in a new form. I hope it continues for many a year to come.

From the Setting of the Sun,
Comes the Break of the Dawn
Hecate Lucifera
Will we follow your Torches,
Blazing the Widdershins Way
Dancing the Grand Sabbat
For in Love
And in Devotion
Our Hearts and Souls,
Belong to You

The Suns Zenith – The Light In The Dark

Posted in Occultism, Paganism, Primal Craft, The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2023 by Sypheara

A somewhat belated happy summer solstice to devotees and readers of the blog. It has been very productive over here – I have been taking people through working material, and going over what they have produced has been a lot of fun. Coincidentally, it has also at times been rather involved! It is good to know that things are on track – plenty of internal material has been produced which will stand future initiates in good stead. When contrasted with the additional material being released by the mother temple on August 13th (as highlighted in the previous entry), I am confident the corpus will be of sufficient basis for the later work coming down the line. The future for the current is rather exciting, and for once I can say such a thing without a hint of my characteristic sarcasm.

Outside of the above work, it was good to get back to doing some of my own, more personal stuff. Around the solstice, I finally got the time to venture down back into the woods, and the forest temple space that was consecrated last year. With having been so focused on teaching others, I felt I had somewhat neglected my own personal connection to the Gods of the current. This is something I wanted to address.

The walk down to the outside space can always be a little ‘interesting’ – at that time of night, in the isolation, curious deer etc will happily follow you through the undergrowth to see what you are up to. This night however, was a bit different – the woods themselves didn’t feel particularly welcoming – almost on the edge of anger. It wasn’t directed at me – but the atmosphere felt thicker. It felt almost like it possessed an aggressive vibrancy – potent, nature energy that edged onto an almost predatory feel. This put me a little on edge – something I’m not used to experiencing when going to do workings out there. Nevertheless, I persisted; there was work to get done.

However, I needn’t have worried so much. When I arrived at the location, it was positively brimming with power, feeling like it was almost begging to be worked with. The working itself was rather short, and sweet. First, fresh spring water was poured over the small cairn built into a tree hollow out of sight from most casual visitors. This would help acknowledge the genius locii and gods of the space before anything active was worked.

Bats in flight, Ann Froschauer

With the offerings given, the circle was then opened ceremonially and properly ensorcelled. Belial was then called to the circles edge. Something that always strikes me on reflection, is just how quickly Belial comes to the call in the natural environment. This can be rather on the nose, when he specifically choses to not be very subtle about things. The temperature noticeably changed immediately after giving the call, and the whole working space becoming slightly cooler. Bats swirled around and overhead the circle, clicking audibly. Such responses are always welcome when doing evocations, as they are forms of physical manifestation which proves without doubt the operation has been a success. In many cases, it also heralds a very physical appearance by the god or spirit in question. The energy intensified, becoming thick and heavy – this however was a very welcoming energy, feeling like I had indeed returned home in many ways. It felt like being wrapped in a cloak of purest velvet night, an incredibly comforting feeling given what I had worked through to get there that night.

From here, devotional was carried out – the use of song is something I have grown to appreciate within the last few months especially. It is a good way of building relationship with the gods and spirits, and helps exercise both spiritual, mental and physical faculties which are important to ritual work and thus the theurgic evolution. Working with dedicants and initiates has also taught me how many people struggle with this aspect of our practice – almost as if they’ve been encouraged to lose their own voice by others around them, directly or indirectly. This is from an occult perspective as well as a psychological one, is revealed as something simple when analysed at any deep level – a theft of power. Being able to project our voice, should be a very natural thing – after all it is a tool given to us in order for us to work with the gods and spirits – to enjoy and celebrate our incarnate existence. It wasn’t until I started working with others closely did I realise where I was on my own journey. I didn’t even think that this could have also applied to me before I started reconnecting with the arte magickal. On reflection, it very much did. It is something I had to painfully pull out of myself. Discovering this, I felt rather naïve – a failure of introspection up to this point perhaps – but also proud of how far I’ve come and that I can help others in this fashion.

I sat there enjoying the power that flowed into and around the circle. It seemed to rotate calmly around the circles edge, like a mini, but placid, vortex. This was in contrast with some of the more fearsome evocations I have performed. For those who have not yet had the pleasure to experience such a type of evocation of one of the witch gods – the feeling can be only be described as total love and acceptance. A feeling that you are tuned back into the very real world – the one which one was born into – seeing it again with fresh eyes. I feel massively privileged every time I am able to experience this with them.

It made me think back to the element and concept of transgression within our craft. By going into the wilds, to practice connection with the primal gods, we turn away from the actual illusion we are placed under on a daily basis. We walk through a very literal veil to reconnect with what lives outside of us. By doing something we are told is somehow wrong, we are able to break through systematic layers of control and obtain freedom even in a time when such a thing is in scant supply.

As I work more with others, and see the struggle they go through to break free of social programming, I finally begin to actually see the level of control placed upon people. At an individual as well as collective level. This doesn’t always come from the usual sources – in recent correspondences with another devotee, I laid bare how sometimes such attempts for control (at an overt, or subvert level) can come from those who should have a better understanding. This runs the gamut of wider society to those who should know us best. Those unlikely places of pressure could come from those supposedly enlightened communities we may find ourselves participating in. It can even go as far as those who are even supposedly close family, lovers or friends. Often it is unconscious – the people in question dealing with their own issues but projecting outward the consequences of such onto us.

When faced with such, the only real way to deal with it is to double down. The more years I work within the Primal Current, the less, and less I feel the need for any external validation – as said in many recent blog posts, the work turn inwards to things that can be realised both in my own practice and improving the lives of those around me through the magickal work.

I don’t know quite where this post was going when I started writing it and hope this won’t turn into a ramble. I just had a small compulsion to share some insight gained and reiterated in recent workings. I’m not even sure I have been able to properly convey what is felt into the proper words. But if anything can be taken away from this post, I hope it to simply be – don’t let others take your power from you. Furthermore, that this can come from the unlikeliest of places, and is not always willfully intentioned. This is I feel an aptly timed topic, with the power of summer all around us (at least those of us who live on my somewhat dreary and rainy island which to its credit, is doing its best of late to brighten the mood).

Important note for the above is I don’t mean this from the juvenile ‘no gods, no masters’ perspective of the more dubious of the modern LHP practices. I mean something deeper – to not allow yourself to be cut off from the spiritual well which is innately open to all living creatures. To allow such should be unconscionable to those of us who understand our origins as being that of Hecate, Queen of Hell, Heaven and Earth. This seems a very important thing to reiterate in a time of various types of sociological breakdown across many levels within society.

Things can seem pretty bleak out there right now. Without going further and getting political (which would detract from the actual message of reconnection), it should be obvious to everyone that where we are is not a particularly good place (we can save the disagreements on why to another more suitable time and place). But even so, one can see the light in the darkness if one just takes the time to look – amongst the oak trees, the running water, the power of the wild that vigorously responds to the height of the sun. This is where we should find our solace, and strength to carry on.

I hope this post reaches you all finding you well, and thriving on your work with the Trident gods and spirits. For those who may feel a little disconnected – this is direct to you – remember the gods are eternal and timeless. Take off the pressure from yourself, and instead take the time to breathe. Go light a candle, say a small prayer, or do that walk and take time to enjoy things again as best you can. They will always be there, in the sound of the wind, in the glint of the sunlight, in the subtle glow of the moon, and in the rumbling of the water.

Three Faced Goddess by HeartySpades


For you, Hecate,
We walk those forgotten crossroads,

Hearing you calling us home,
May you show us the way,
In Love and In Honour

For you, Lucifer
We carry the Torches of Love and Compassion,
May you show us the means by which,
To assist and guide others,
In Love and In Honour

For you, Belial,
We sing these praises in the darkest of nights,
May you show us the way to endless joy,
To reclaim our birthright,
In Love and In Honour,

For you Sepheranz,
We keep hope alive in these times of painful transition
May you help us survive,
To thrive and choose true,
In Love and In Honour

For you Qayin,
We keep the hidden ways alive,
In veneration of He who blazed the trail,
Setting the example to follow,
In Love and In Honour

In the Name of The Trident,
Let the Way to the New World

Be Opened,
In Revelation’



Under the Rays of the Goddess – Souls immersed in Kalas

Posted in Primal Craft, Publications, The Path of Flames, The Temple of the Ivory Spider with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2023 by Sypheara

So, very good news here from the burgeoning temple group in the north of the UK. Today, under the glow of the moon, the commencement of the formal training of two initiates, and one dedicant began. Whilst the coven here has been carrying out workings since the winter solstice of last year, this marks the commencement of actual teaching independent of the coven rites of celebration and practical witchcraft.

It is a great honor to be able to work with these dedicated individuals. They who have throughout all their time knowing me personally, have shown themselves to be people who will not fall short of the tasks ahead of them. The first matter of course will be teaching the basics and essentials of witchcraft, before easing them into the work contained within Queen of Hell and the temple specific stellar work. The work, formulated mainly on open exercises to help tailor it to the individuals progress, I expect to be of much benefit to them. Putting this together has, and is quite difficult, as I try to both guide but also not dictate – something important in the Primal Craft ethos of teaching. I look forward massively to seeing how things develop for our tight knit group.

In addition, personal circumstances have also opened further ways of working in the wilds. Places that are beyond warm and cosy rooms, that accelerate the work and provide direct access to the gods and spirits of the craft in Their World. One such location is primed for potential further outer gateway work. I am very excited to see where those possibilities take us in the near future.

Work with spirits of land and plant familiars also return to the coven power that was stolen and appropriated during the lockdowns. This will allow for the full return of connection to powerful genius loci, allowing its energy to flow unheeded despite the weak wills of others who seek to interfere with the craft of the wise to their own detriment.

Picture of the Full Moon, Photographer Unknown

It was also this week that there was an announcement from the Mother Temple of a new edition of Queen of Hell, containing previously out of print material as well as new essays to further expand on the original content. This has been awaited by many people – such material seen in earlier anthologies such as Devoted (I believe) finally being placed back within the Primal Craft umbrella and back in print. This will be of much help to ALOT of people – and ironically comes at a perfect syncretic time for my own group providing information with working with this material – this will be invaluable in ensuring that, on my end, nothing is missed as I facilitate learning the material and polish off my own training.

I didn’t intend to originally make this post, but the synchronicity was such I felt it would be nice to share a small update, as well as to assist the important dissemination of the work. May those who feel threatened by the success of Hecates Primal Current be silenced by the material, which speaks for itself. I feel highly blessed, and privileged, to be surrounded by Devotees who love and immerse themselves in this current!

In Hecates Name,
Bathed in Lucifers Flames,

Mailshot from the Mother Temple, released 3rd March


Dear Devotees,

We are creating new and beautiful devoted offerings in an affordable semi-deluxe category. These hand-bound tomes will not only contain material that is long out of print – they will also contain previously unpublished essays detailing work within the Mother Temple, its members, and the Primal Craft Path of Flames. See below for details and purchase/reservation options.

Returning The Primal Witchflame Gnosis in Full

I have been aware for quite some time that many of you would like to acquire the now long out of print essays – those detailing the path and giving overviews of my own work, as well as those which grant a greater understanding of not only my own journey, but the Path of Flames as a whole. For a time, a separate volume containing these and other works was considered. However, a book solely containing such work, without actual ritual application, did not sit well with anyone at the Mother Temple. What we needed was a suitable vessel in which to ensorcel these now out of print works.

In considering the above I did also take note that many people are unable to find a space on the Inner Subscriber Deluxe database.The deluxe solander boxed, millboard-bound books are made with the finest and most expensive materials in the publishing world. Added to that, many people, although they would like to, are unable to pay 600 Euros for such a book.

To that end we wished to create something that was both different, very special, and also a higher calibre than our standard Devotee Editions (classed by many as deluxe level in their own right) but considerably more affordable than the 600 euro 24 Carat Gold Leaf Super Deluxes of which there are normally only 36 copies.


The important aspect was reintroducing the out of print work within the Primal Craft fold and, of course, releasing it in devotional hand-bound Grimoires. During communion with Hecate, the instruction to create The Special Limited Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions was received. These Special Expanded and Enhanced Limited Number Hand-made editions, bound in leather, would be the magickal vessels into which the out of print work would be ensorcelled. They will also contain previously unpublished material in the form of Work from The Mother Temple and Essays detailing the personal path of those inner temple members. The books will also include some previously released tutorials that we believe assist and compliment the work within them. Including, in the case of Queen of Hell, a 6 month ritual instructional template guide to releasing the power and accessing the gateways woven within the book.

The First of these Expanded and Enhanced Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions:

Queen of Hell – Dark Moon Huntress Edition

This beautiful grimoire is our devoted offering to Hecate in Her role as Queen of Hell. The leather is the colour of the Bloodstone, attained beyond the Gate of the Silver Star. It is also the colour of the Red Andalucian (Atlantean) earth within which the Mother Temple rests, secreted in a forest grove. Lastly, it is reminiscent of the Dragon’s Blood incense used to ensoul the Books with the Bodies of the Gods. As soon as the test binding arrived – we knew this was the perfect cloak in which to ensorcel this body of work. The quality of the artisan binding is nothing short of exquisite. I have included a few photographs to illuminate its beauty, but we are not revealing the actual seals and sigils just yet.

The Special Dark Moon Huntress Edition of Queen of Hell – the First of the Enthroned Beyond Akasha series – will be Hand-Bound in a limited run of only 333 editions, fully bound in Bloodstone Leather. Heavy boards. Silk Book marker. Printed on the finest most luxurious paper in the publishing world. Quality, thick black endpapers – stamped in gold foil. Outer covers stamped front and back in gold foil with the Sacred Seals of The Primal Witchcraft. Gilded pages. Spine stamped in gold with name, title, Primal Craft Seal. Spine stamped with 3 double gold spine bands (6 gold lines) Price 140 Euros plus shipping.

PUBLICATION DATE AUGUST 13TH – PRE-ORDER NOW OPEN – Limited to 333 copies – single run

We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy to avoid disappointment

Click the link to reserve your copy of this luxurious tome:




Full Queen of Hell Grimoire

Additional Contents:

1. Two previously out of print essays (out of print circa 2008 and 2009 respectively) detailing overviews of my own Primal Craft Path.

2. One New Previously Unpublished / Unreleased Essay

3. Ritual Template Guide to employing the work within the tome. This explanation will aid your understanding of the work within the tome and guide you over a 6 month period – allowing expansion of magickal abilities and elevation upon The Path of Flames

4. Two Previously released – now reworked – tutorials that we believe vastly compliment and assit the work within Queen of Hell:

Sexual Magickal Possession – The Key to unlocking power within the Primal Craft Grimoires.

Godform Assumption – Trance Mediumship and Communion with the Beloved.

Price 140 Euros plus shipping.


Reserve your copy of The Dark Moon Huntress Edition of Queen of Hell by clicking the link:



Details of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions

This is a one off edition strictly limited to 333 Hand-bound lether bound, page gilded copies.

There will be no standard version of this tome. We have a Devotee Edition of Queen of Hell. If you wish to collect and own the Full Body of Primal Craft Work – the essays, tutorials and ritual guide – in special edition books; it is recommended to acquire this edition.

There is no limit on the number of copies you may purchase. However, this limited edition will be sold on a first come first served basis. Those devotees who acquire the Dark Moon Huntress Edition will be given first refusal upon release of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha Special Editions of The Red King and The Scorpion God.

The cost of using such beautiful materials is relatively high. I have kept the price of the books as low as possible whilst sustaining the release of the full Enthroned Beyond Akasha Series. To that end we are not making presentation boxes – that would push the cost to high. It is our aim that those people who seek the full body of work – the out of print essays and those who wish to own a special book that is treasured above their working devotee editions – may be able to to acquire all the above with these special edition grimoires.

Despite the many worldwide changes and the extra weight of the books we have opted to keep our postal costs frozen – they remain the same as they were in 2012.

Publication Date: August 13th – Pre-order now open.

We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy to avoid disappointment

Reserve your copy by clicking this link:



Each Book will be Hand-numbered, Signed, Sigilised and Individually consecrated as The Dark Moon Huntress aspect of The Body of Hecate. Woven within the consecrations and into the pathways within the book is the Gateway to the Queen of Hell’s Throne.

The Legacy of Primal Craft

Right now every aspect of our lives is immersed in digital technology. But mark my words, one day it will all be gone. several large blasts of EMP or a sufficiently large cataclysmic event (be that man-made or ELE via the rebalancing of World Soul) – and that is it! Books however, will always survive. Not all of them – but enough. Come fire, flood, quake. There will always be surviving people and there will always be books. For the continuation of its praxis, the Current, and the Understanding of The Primal Craft as a whole, this is extremely important. Be it descendants of collectors or practitioners, that which is ensorcelled within printed, hand-bound books, will support the legacy of the Primal Craft – aiding those who pass the praxis on to their kin; awakening those who rediscover this Arte. This was at the forefront of our minds when we sought the requisite vehicle through which to return the gnosis in the essays and place into the grimoires some of the tutorials and guides.


Price 140 Euros plus shipping.


Reserve your copy of The Dark Moon Huntress Edition of Queen of Hell by clicking the link:



Immerse the Soul. within the Current, in Truth,

Cross not, the Scythe Lord, Qayin,

Break not the Pact,

Betray not the Emissary,

Drink Deep of Sepheranz’ Grail,

Hold Fast to the Path of Flames,

In the Shadow of Belial’s Trident,

Cast By Lucifer’s Fire,

In Nomine Hecate.


Success through Putrefaction – Third Initiate, Black Degree

Posted in The Path of Flames, The Temple of the Ivory Spider with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 27, 2022 by Sypheara

It is with the utmost pleasure that I make an announcement in regards to the Temple work here.

Those who follow the blog may remember that, this time last year, one of our initiation candidates passed their ordeal and was initiated fully into the Black Degree.

Well it is again a great joy to confirm that another candidate has been successful at passing their ordeal, and acquiring the black degree as part of our ongoing work.

This particular candidate I have worked with on and off for over seven years now, and always pondered whether our work would eventually dovetail within the same house, as it were. I would never have believed that this would be the year they would undergo the Trial of Putrefaction – going on to succeed above and beyond my expectations. This period of work follows a time of very intense, close workings with the Trident – work that was carried out over the preceding last three months.

This, as always, was required to assess whether they were both suitable and ready to take this large step. These rites needed to be performed by the seeker, as well as verified by me as Magister to ensure that everything aligned properly and that it was right to continue.

This comes after a year of hard work, trusting in the Gods to ensure that the temple plan unfolds as it should – directed by our growing, collective will. The candidate made the leap with committed heart and devoted soul – bringing the alchemical change required. This was no small task – the initiation rite is designed to test, push and break the candidate where it can.

I was in no real worry that this candidate would fail however – the signs bringing them firmly onto the Primal Current were not subtle ones – waking visions of Belial physically showing the Trident being just one obvious manifestation of their will and intent. This was confirmed with a series of divination and evocational works – some completed individually, some with me being present within the rites to facilitate as well as simply enjoy the ritual.

Fire Covenant by Rovina Cai

Physical manifestations, such as fire turning vivid green without any tainting of the fire with the likes of copper, as well as powerful animal possessions sealed the deal in regards to the initiation going ahead. Such invitation by the gods made it clear to me as to the direction it would go and it became undeniable in how it unfolded – these instances were all startling in their potency, if not surprising considering the depth and power involved in both their nature and surrounding circumstances.

With all of this this now reified with the initiation itself, I now turn my attention to completing the write ups of three, major theurgic rites conducted over the Samhain period. It is my intention to rest on my laurels a bit – just a bit – to allow for the task of getting resultant gnosis pulled out and put onto paper. Without this, there can be no expansion to push further myself whilst also giving attention to the initiates who will now need direction and assistance to make the most of their path. Going into the new year, I hope to turbocharge things a little bit.

I will end this post here, but it is with joy i’ve been able to type the above and make this known to the wider primal craft community.

Many Blessings,
In the Name of the Trident,
Carried on Lucifers Flames,

A Transformational Samhain: Nigromantia Verum

Posted in The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2022 by Sypheara

When deep down in the work, it can be difficult to come up for air. The work itself becomes all consuming and instinctual – and in that moment, the deepest of magick is carried out. Due to that, this will be a very short entry. However I felt no entry would be doing Samhain a disservice – a time when I have always tried to post something in solidarity with other people enmeshed in the work!!

This is usually where I launch into a post on something whimsical, to celebrate the Sabbat. Even though, admittedly it would be a little belated this year.

In previous years, I’ve gone into little traditions developing in my own practice.. small things or something such. This is usually accompanied by a drill down into important work that the temple is necessarily up to. Those years, the Sabbat was a celebration – at time for deep work yes, but also celebration.

There has been none of that this year. At least, not that could be shared – things I cannot really bring myself to detail – it just hasn’t been one of those years. Instead, this period has just consisted of very intense, deep, instinctual work with Belial. Working with this great lord, to do what needs to be done. Through the Paths of Grief and Faith, the way to the road of the Stellar Gate of the Prince of the Earth has been blow open. Falling through the tunnels, one perceives the gifts of the gods, granted in inner transmutation.

Concept Art, Scorn

There comes a time when conventions must be broken – not out of desire, want, or even reason – simply because it is needed. What the Gods urge, what animalistically is felt to be what the soul craves. This was one of them. Sometimes in magickal work, workings ‘grip the gut’ and compel the witch to enact them, to play them out, to ride out the storm they bring. These are some of the strongest rites one can carry out. The rite alluded to above could only be successfully done via taboo breaking work, utilising the Elemental Gate of Southern Fire, in conjunction with the wooden Steles of all, previously opened Stellar Gates.

This was a very necessary step, to cut away all that remained and solidify the formation of the previous gates into the soul form. The appearance of an unexpected totemic animal, given in direct work with Belial, shows this work was completed and well received – despite it being far from smooth sailing.

One may wonder why I even relate this. The answer is simple – it is to gift some of the received light onwards. The Gods rewards those who step forward, when it would be so easy to step back. When things seem overwhelming – do your best to take the leap. Endure, survive, find your light. Do what needs to be done. Lean into your practice, not away.

This Samhain season, may we all find our inner strength – what we require to take the steps we need to go forward. In this way, we move – avoiding stagnancy. Whether those steps are fighting tooth and nail, or simply letting go, matters not. Whichever and whatever it is, may it be a transformational move, serving us in good stead. Thus, like the sun, we chart out course and fall deeper into the Underworld to be renewed and reborn. This is the time for the performance of the nigromantia verum. There can be no other way.

Samhain, Unknown Artist

With the above related, I now have less than a week to prepare for an important event to be undertaken at the Temple here. This involves both further heavy ritual, as well as the creation of new temple works. I will post about that, when the time comes, depending on outcome and appropriateness. Nevertheless, I am excited to see the temple strengthen noticeably from what now rapidly approaches!!

I would just like to thank everyone who has read my work, and supported me over the years in one facet or another. You know who you are.

Greatest of Samhain Blessings,
In the Shadow of the Trident,
Bathed in Their Flames,
On the Path of the Setting Sun,
Black Turns White,
White Turns Red,
And All is Reborn.

Portals of Flame – Earthing the Current of the Stellar Temple Gate of Lucifer

Posted in Luciferianism, Occultism, Paganism, Stellar Gnosis, The Path of Flames, The Temple of the Ivory Spider with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 7, 2022 by Sypheara

Here we are, going into Samhain, and I am still playing catch-up! The midsummer solstice, and the impacts of the work coming out of that time, knocked me for six. In a very good way – so much has changed, altered, opened for myself and temple since then that every time I’ve sat down to write this entry, something else would occur which necessitated deep work and reflection to tackle and integrate it. Whether this was work for the current, for myself, or the initiation candidates, something would come up meaning the blog posts came bottom priority. Many of these events have been very profound – the kind of experience where writing about them seems almost exhibitionist. As such, I’ve chosen to focus on purely the more ‘formal’ rite which was carried out earlier this year for this belated blog post.

For context – the above was not entirely unexpected. Opening each stellar gate, has been an increasingly complex process up to this point. The opening of the first gate, with the Temple Familiar gifted by Belial through the Seal of the Ascending Winged Skull, took a matter of months – albeit the physical effects took years to both integrate and fully recover from. Hecate’s Stellar Gate similarly came through relatively quickly, to balance the initially unexpected black stellar energies released via the Ivory Spider.

Lucifer’s was more of a slow burn – requiring the evocation and integration of all three great elemental dragons – something that could be done fully only in the places where they most strongly reside. This required roughly two years of work and planning. As such, when contrasted with the Lilithian build up, I knew that opening this particular gate would be very demanding.

In total, no less than three wood cuts, and one full wood engraving block would be used in opening this gate at the temple here. The gate stele itself was cut into an engraving woodblock, made of birch. On one side, the temple specific channelled variant of the Seal of the City of Pyramids was inked, on the reverse, the specific key to unlock that seal fully given through the work with Lilith. The remaining four sides of the wood blocks were filled with Theban script – three sides, the formula of the synchronomicon, the final word being one of draconic origin released in the final work.

Each wood cut was adorned on one side with its related draconic seal, and on the flipside, its related draconic key.

Fomalhaut, the Royal Star of the South, by Davide De Martin

The ritual to open the gate was a strenuous one. Donning the ritual mask of Lucifer, firstly, each dragon gate was opened within the circle itself. This was possible thanks to the power already granted in previous possessions – without which none of this would have been possible.

Each opening necessitated each front seal being covered in blood, following a formal unlocking at blade point and subsequent blooding of the rear key sigil. As each was completed, the power of the corresponding dragon flooded into the circle. The feeling that accompanied these steps was not initially one of ecstatic empowerment – instead this initial, preparatory stage felt more like wading through a liquid. A liquid that simply grew in viscosity as more power was drawn into the working space as each woodcut was worked through individually, each power point and line receiving the necessary attention the act required.

The final quarter to be opened would be different. Here, stood the clear mirror of the arte used at the temple for a variety of rites. In front of it, the stele of Lucifer’s gate was placed, flanked by candles, leaving space to carry out the needed ritual operations. To the left, a blooded sigil of Surgat lay, and on the right, the physical skeleton key empowered by Lilith in the previous working. Both Witch Gods were called to lend their power to the rite.

When the time felt right, the front of the stele, as well as surrounding words of power were blooded. Lilith’s key was then utilized on the gate seal, to open it in widdershins fashion. With this prepared, the gate was turned and the key seal of the stele blooded. Finally, it was necessary to repeat the last two steps on the mirror itself. With each symbolic act, the locks placed on the soul were also released, and with words of power, the mirror gate came alive.

Formal request of Lucifer, through the opened mirror gate, to release the power of his stellar gate thus prepared, began a series of possessions. Like sunlight filtered through a lens, the power surged through the mirror and into the body. Strangely, it was not Lucifer who came first – but Vassago, coming clean out of the mirror. His silvered body glowed with such intensity, as his appearance took me entirely off guard – it was not the horned god I had initially expected! His chosen form so mercurial it seemed to flood out the clear surface, which in turn, now rippled like the surface of water.

Now behind him came Lucifer, appearing in horned, reptilian form – his energy in comparison was darker, more red and black, and in swirling kaleidoscopic currents the possession intensified. It was in this act that the necessary alchemy was completed, and the resulting completed stele marked.

The traditional goetic appearance of the daemon Vassago. Very different from the mercurial visions this spirit often gives me!! Artist unknown.

I lay there for awhile, just recovering from the energy release. In many ways I was still in shock, as the process was very different to what I had initially expected – this was a great learning exercise. Even with all the gnosis processed as to how to perform a rite, only by actually doing it is full understanding gained – something which cannot be guessed going in without the potential for being humbled by the experience.

With the above done, this marks the end of a cycle of intense workings. I don’t expect these to get any easier, but I must now for a little time, turn my attention to my initiation candidates. I have been blessed with two candidates of strong potency and devotion – and both are at a stage where initiations could be reasonably performed into the Black Degree.

As the year dies, my mind goes towards the blogs future. As more and more work intensifies, as alluded to in the opening, my view on many things has changed. Next year will mark the ten year anniversary of me starting this blog – what was meant to be only a small little working curio diary, has grown far beyond what I had initially planned. We are a full ninety posts in at this point, and many of the goals I initially set have either been met, or I have simply grown beyond. As my more work becomes Temple based, more intimate and deep, I do anticipate that there may be many necessary changes yet to come.

I will update people as I go, regarding any plans. I hope everyone a fantastic run up to Samhain, and thank you for reading.

May the Lord of Light,
Show you the Way,
Back to the Stellar Paths,
Long forgotten by the Race of Man,

In Lucifer’s Name,


The Key of Night – Opening the Way of Stellar Fire

Posted in Luciferianism, Necromancy, Occultism, Paganism, Stellar Gnosis, The Path of Flames, The Temple of the Ivory Spider with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 22, 2022 by Sypheara

It has been awhile!! Back end of last month, I finally ended up catching Covid. It gave me a kicking but two and a half weeks later I feel for the most part pretty well recovered. Mentally and spiritually I feel in a good place, and the above notwithstanding, it has been a pretty productive period since the last entry here.

The main working since the previous blog post was a ritual I carried out with the goddess Lilith. Lilith is very misunderstood in the modern occult scene – ironically by the supposed LHP practitioners as much as anyone else. Thus they miss the forest for the trees – focusing on her shallow aspects rather than the transformative power she and her realm, Gamaliel, brings.

Lilith by Anato Finnstark

One of the things Lilith gifted to me, coming up to two years ago now, was her key. This was given with crystal clarity in astral travel. This key, referred to as simply The Key of Night, is a required component in unlocking Lucifers Stellar Gate. At the time, I was not ready to make use of it – the final dragon rite had not been completed and blocked its use in full. As such, there could be no approach to actually unlocking the gate, and thus no need to physically embody this tool.

However with the completion of the last Dragon Rite, it became imminently important that this Key was to be physically created. It would be necessary to properly do this so that it could be used as a tool in the opening of the gate itself, a required step on the theurgic path.

In order to do this, I got myself ahold of an antique skeleton key – one that was quite substantial, and made of iron. This would be a fitting, physical seat for the power to be brought through. From this point, it was therefore all about how to correctly pull through the required essence, and ensoul it into the chosen object. I.e. How to pull that energy from her, permission to do so which she had already granted me, in a way that would make it useful for what was to come. This was eventually accomplished; the final method not being unlike the usual method of these things, but with some needed modifications.

Firstly, the key was adequately cleansed to ensure it was rid of anything that would interfere, as well as being brought correctly into the service of the Arte. Then, the working area was prepared and the circle itself was brought up to full power using the necessary calls. In turn, this preliminary work was followed by focused invocation to possession up to Triformus level.

From here, both Hecate and Lucifer were evoked, in order to properly moderate the influx of energy. This was in turn required to stabilise the focal point that would be opened to call Lilith through. The tool utilised for this was my clear, full length mirror – something I have used the stellar rites here before.

Meanwhile, I burned powerful loose incense on coals in front of the mirror gate as both offering, and to empower this already sanctified tool further. This incense blend is one of my own, a mix of benzoin, myrh, frankincense and various herbs sympathetic herbs. This helped to greatly intensify the coming work.

Key picture by OrianaNiChearnaigh

The mirror, placed within the east, was where Lilith was transvoked. The placement of the mirror in the East of the circle was done on pure intuition – something I have learned to trust on this path. Lilith was then evoked through the mirror, using both call, smoke, and blooded seal – the one that had been originally granted in dream.

With her present, and the initial groundwork contact made, she was invoked into the body. This was done using the key itself. This act was one of the components of the formula as whole, so that when combined with spoken pact, the link would be made in full. The possession that followed was difficult, more taxing, than I expected. Whilst sexual in nature, there was an element of resistance, which had to be overcome on my part. Working in such a way is not what many people envision – sometimes this process can be pure stellar bliss, other times it can be a dark and trying experience. This was the latter – with invasive imagery resplendent, which I realised quickly was a test. It was vital that I pushed through, claimed what was given, and completed the merge in full. Anything else would be to fail in pulling out the required energetic link buried deep within the subtle body. Eventually, much to the amusement of the other party it seemed, everything fell into place. After recovering, in front of the mirror, the key was anointed with the resulting possessed blood, elevated by the energy of the collapsed waveform. Note, those who can read between the lines can guess how else the key was further empowered.

Holding it aloft in both hands, I immediately utilised its form to request from Lucifer the final, inner seal required for opening his stellar gate. This was delivery quickly, and automatic writing used to commit it to the working temple books. Once complete, the key itself was lovingly wrapped up and placed in the northern quarter of the circle. The energies of the self and circle were allowed to stabilise, before being lowered and eventually brought down to baseline with the closing of the rite itself.

With the key empowered, it now falls on me to burn the required dragon seals into prepared pine disks, before completing Lucifers stele itself in the birchwood blocks. Once this is complete, disk, block and key will be utilised to complete the final working in this series. This will make a longer period of working on this specific gate than I could ever have expected – a more complex series of working being sent than I anticipated. With it complete, the road to Belials Stellar Gate will be open. All that is left, is to try and draw this all together. I wanted to do this on Beltane, but with that date being too unrealistic thanks to my illness, I expect the next attempt to be around midsummer.

I am excited to finally be able to tackle this, and feel like I’m making very real progress. I will hopefully have an update re that work around then.

One of the other things I wanted to mention in this post may seem small, in comparison. But it seems an important message to relate. In dream, the other night, Sepheranz came to me and told me something important. This plays into the previous theme above – about creation of working tools and devotional items. She showed me a particular number, and told me to avoid having a slavish devotion to perfection. Upon waking up I pondered what this might mean – personally for my own practice. In some ways, I think it is that sometimes the fear of failing can stop us in some ways tackling stuff we are less confident with – but without doing so, we will never grow and learn. It has certainly made me want to really tackle the burning of these new seals in full, without overly worrying about result. Materials are not impossible to come across and replace anyway. Being afraid of taking considered leaps, in this path, isn’t really an option if you want to succeed in Theurgy.

Reaper by BuraKulker

Recently, the primal craft instagram has recently put out some wonderful images of devotional items created by a dedicated devotee. I’d like to highlight these as well, as the groundwork (by both devotee and Magister of the Mother Temple) has finally been done to enable them to be shared to the wider public. May they serve as an inspiration to other devotees to give things a shot. Whilst the person who created these items is very skilled, the connection forged by working with your own hands is second to none where it can be carried out. My wood blocks look, artistically, as if a child had created them in comparison with this devotees work. But the power that exudes out of those blocks, that is foundation for the temple here, is enormous. Take the leap. Do your best. Enjoy the process, and the great results will inevitably follow. For in that work, there are a lot of great rewards to reap.

I will leave this post here, as it has been difficult to get formulated and out. I hope you all had a wonderful Ostara period, and are looking forward to Beltane which is soon arriving.

With Torch,
With Knife,
With Key,
A Goddess of Hell,
Opens the Gateways of Heaven
For those of Brave Heart,
And Committed Soul

Small Update: Imbolc Blues, Lucifers Eye

Posted in Folk Belief, Luciferianism, Occultism, Paganism, Stellar Gnosis, The Path of Flames, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 28, 2022 by Sypheara

Just a small update from myself, as we come into the new year proper. It has been a bit quiet here lately – some family things have needed attention, and I have also been taking some time to myself to simply enjoy life; mainly focusing around having gratitude for what (and who) I already have and how far I’ve come. This has not come easy for me, as someone whose mind is always focused on aiming for the next goal. But being present in the now is something I have learned to embrace within the last few years. To stand aware, at the Crossroads, centred, empowered and without distraction is a power in itself.

This breather has been pretty useful in terms of recharging – and I expect February / March to pick up in terms of Occult practice as well as finally beginning physical work on the space here.

Cover of Middle-Earth Quest: A Spy In Isengard, Angus Mcbride, 1988

It hasn’t been all quiet though. I have used the recent full moon to correctly pull through the final seal required to complete the set of six required to open the Stellar Pillar Gate of Lucifer. This marks the culmination of the Dragon works I began with Leviathan back at the end of 2019, and puts me firmly on track to explore opening that come Beltane at the latest. This would only leave Belials to complete, before the Planetary Work, and then the preparation for Abyss Crossing can be finally tackled. For this, I estimate a further three to five years will be required.

One of the tools necessary to carrying out the opening of Lucifer’s Pillar Gate is a crystal sphere. This is required to focus, amplify and direct the energies brought through in possession. It is the glue for all of the Dragon Gates in this working. The Eye of Lucifer is the counter-part to the Eye of Hecate within the circle as well. I’ve wanted to get a sphere for Lucifer for sometime – at least a year – and finally I went searching for one. I was aiming to find one similar in diameter to the obsidian sphere I already have for Hecate, and one that I could scry that would be suitable for the job. Only a crystal with natural alignment would do – reconstituted quartz would not do – and ideally for this, one that was also not lab produced. Even with all these boxes ticked, that still didn’t necessarily mean it would have the ‘feel’ and thus be suitable for the job.

Finding a crystal that fulfilled these requirements took some doing – and it certainly did not come cheaply. But I finally managed to find a perfect sphere for this work – one suitable for Lucifer. The sphere I found is one made out of White Petalite, a lithium ore, and was a very lucky find. Upon its arrival here, it was consecrated in the Eastern Quarter with the energy of the Perfect Red King of Sulphur. This involved the use of a full ritual circle, with the energies raised within it to as high level as I am personally capable. The consecration was done using transvocation – with Lucifer first invoked into the body, then evoked into the sphere itself. This ensured that the eye was opened fully, without any room for an incomplete job.

The Eye of Lucifer, before empowerment, self taken

The resultant Eye of Lucifer is in actuality slightly larger than the Obsidian Sphere I have for Hecate. This is likely due to measurement errors on behalf of sellers, as both are approximately 160mm, the newer trending towards 165/170mm. Already naturally quite powerful in terms of solar energy, the amount of power that can be drawn through after consecration feels extreme. It also must be kept in mind this is even before the empowerment has had time to fully settle… it not even being one lunar cycle since the above work was conducted. Just looking upon it I feel like my power is amplified, with images swirling into my minds eye through the powerfully opened vortex. This increases even further by simply placing ones hands upon it and staring deeply into it.

I look forward to experimenting with not just Lucifer’s Eye, but also using in conjunction with Hecate’s, whilst projecting outwards (or peering inwards..). This should make for very, very powerful results. With the left hand on Hecates Eye, the right hand on Lucifers, this will be something to really experiment with to go Beyond.

The Eye of Lucifer in the Mirror, before empowerment, self taken

There are still a few none trivial details to pull through next – and that is how to formulate the given seals, the given key, and other necessary ingredients to effectively open the gate. This is what I’ll be working on within the next six weeks. This may require additional wood to burn to physically create the dragon seals, as well as a potential special oil formulation. This oil may be needed to dress and thus anoint the physical representation of the Key of Lilith – that which was given after completion of the Earth Dragon rite – and seems to play some form of role here.

More channelling work will be required to digest all of this. I am going to leave this small entry here, and I wish everyone a very happy if slightly premature Imbolc.

And as such, better get working on those Brigids Cross skills (something I was never particularly great at!!!).

Adder, by pronature

Thig an nathair as an toll
Là donn Brìde,
Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd
Air leac an làir.

The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bríde,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground.’

Ave Lucifer,


Success through Putrefaction – Second Initiate, Black Degree

Posted in Stellar Gnosis, The Path of Flames, The Temple of the Ivory Spider with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 10, 2021 by Sypheara

It is with great pleasure that I make this very small, but nevertheless, important post.

A promising, long term candidate has undergone the Trial of Putrefaction for the status of Black Degree Initiate here at the Temple. This person has worked with me since around 2013 in various capacities – intensifying over the last five. I have long wanted to offer them initiation – but they were up to now, not ready to accept it. That time finally came on the night of the 4th of November.

It was not without trepidation that I opened up the initial proceedings that evening; not because I doubted my talented and dedicated candidate, but because each initiation is precious. Having already initiated one person, I know intimately the process that must be undergone – but each initiation is its own thing, a unique special moment in time for both Magister and Candidate. Success can never be guaranteed – nor can the Trial be fully predicted. Ritual is not theatre – when done properly in possession with the Gods of the Trident.

I should not have worried however. The candidate passed the Trial splendidly, with a sound leap of faith – and following on from this, the oaths were taken in full love with committed heart. The empowerments then went well – the witchbody of the successful candidate vibrating strong and powerfully after the work was brought to a finish.

For myself, the work was quite strenuous – more so than even the previous candidate. After coming back to full awareness, I was exhausted – and it took around three full days to recover. This consisted of copious amounts of sleep. Such fatigue is unavoidable -it is the payment given by the Magister in work with the Gods. It is what is gifted on the candidates behalf for all their hard work. It is a sacrifice that I enjoy making. But that does not mean it is done without significant effort on my part.

The fruits however, are great. This particular initiation marked the full formulation of the preliminary and post-ritual steps that help round out the black degree process as a whole. Building on the first initiation, which dragged this format out into the light, a refinement was conducted on its structure. Now in the study here, the first physical black degree book sits, three months of work between me and the new initiate. The text compiled, reviewed, completed and hardbound. Within its pages are declarations, blooded and sigilised, post rite.

Philosophia Reformata (Johann Daniel Mylius)

I feel that these are the bones of the Temple being built, on the back of two years of difficult, at times heart rending work. Alot has changed since that first initiation in 2019. This is just the beginning – there are more good things to come. I have on the downlow been preparing a website specifically for the Temple, to explain its purpose and mission, its methodology, and to show our existence to the world. This still requires heavy work – not just in creating the content, but in creating specific artwork that embodies the temple itself, containing its spirit. It will see the light of day, when it is ready.

Let me clarify immediately on the above. I do not seek the creation of an ‘online order’ for easy remote joining – the site will exist primarily as a ‘we are here’; for the benefit of other devotees and working primal craft covens that might want to reach out, but be unaware of our existence. It is my intention to build up a working stellar coven – and initiate those special select candidates who grab my attention. These will be composed of candidates who intend to work on a regular basis as part of the physical coven, or those who are simply guided by Hecate for stellar initiation in real, physical travel for required empowerment here.

It is to be noted here that initiates do not necessarily have a coven position/seat. This is something I am still working on formulating – alongside the general personal theurgic work. It has to make practical, as well as Occult, sense. But the Temple work grows – line by line, ritual by ritual. Having these things in place in a concrete, more finalised way is still a way off – it will also require a lot of organic rather than forced growth. But it is finally gaining momentum. Further discussion with the successful initiate will determine how this proceeds in the short term as their input will be crucial.

As far as future candidates go, I already have further potentials – people who have shown years long dedication to the work of the current. Whose dedication and devotion are beyond question. One is someone I have known going back a decade, who has spent the last few years working in the current in-between mundane responsibilities. This person has already been offered initiation – personal circumstances willing, and considering world affairs, local sensibilities, and working commitments. To say more would be a breach of privacy – as always, I leave it up to individual candidates and initiates as to whether they bring themselves ‘into the light’ or continue working in privacy.

It is not my intention to chase numbers. I have no interest in quantity over quality. That said, there will be more. Once I have reached certain thresholds of personal development and practice, further degrees will be opened up to existing initiates and more energy put into specifically growing the working coven and relevant stellar rites.

I will leave it there. Except to say, that I am very proud of my initiates for the love, devotion, and hard work they have shown both to the Gods and Temple. I look forward to working with the new initiate to build on this success, where it coincides with their own personal development and growth within the Current.

For myself, I intend to take a good period of time to finish off records, as well as deal with administrative matters and personal occult development. A rest is also in order! I hope to return to make another posting probably in the latter half of December.

Through Black,
Through White,

Through Red,
Through the Power of the Trident,
We Become.

Wishing All: A Most Bountiful Samhain

Posted in Occultism, Paganism, The Path of Flames, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 30, 2021 by Sypheara

It is that time of year again, arguably the most sacred of cross quarter holidays in our witches calendar. It is a very busy one here – just last night, I was supporting the other half who led the local moot here in performing our first, group ritual since January 2020.

That ritual was a very powerful and emotive one. Seeing people I have been unable to meet up with even for a coffee, like I would in more normal times, was magical enough – when paired with a powerful, evocative rite involving the dead, it was something very special.

Reflecting on that ritual, I thought it would be great to put a post up for our dear devotees, to help with clarification on one of our newer, yearly rites, as well as share a funny little tradition that seems to have started here.

Some spoopy skeletons and stuff, photographer unknown

With that intention lain out, I’ll continue saying last nights ritual had a special poignancy.

It felt like the start of the end for a very bad time in my life. Although I mentioned it in passing in last years post – the death of my father just over a year ago today – was something that I didn’t delve deeply into. That said, it did affect me more deeply than I was willing to admit at the time. The Gods had not lied in their warning of that period… At the time I decided that that to speak on it at any length would be generally unnecessary, unwise, and self indulgent. I still feel that to an extent – there is much I would love to say, to give testimony on, that I simply can’t. What I can say is it will colour my experience of this month for the rest of my life – change is the only constant – and Samhain for me will forever now be attached to that loss.

As such it was a very intense time – much altered dramatically for myself, and the temple, and it was a very real loss that I needed to take time to process. Even with Hecate’s help – in both process and healing – it was very hard to drag myself to the altar in Samhain 2020, and do what needed to be done. Just doing the tearing down and rebuilding of the space felt like swimming through treacle – but is a duty that needed to be done. It was also whilst feeling metaphysically ran over by a train, that I decided to put together a devotional rite for the Trident – taking a leaf out of a dear mentor and guide of mine Sorita D’Este.

I had always been inspired by ‘The Rite of Her Sacred Fires’ which is conducted around Beltane (full moon in May). I wanted something similar that devotees of the Trident could also do, yearly, to both deepen their connection with their gods as well as grow a sense of brotherhood/sisterhood between people in shared sacred space. It seemed just good logical sense.

I am so very glad that I did. Many people took part last year – and shared wonderful testimonials in our Facebook group. It went so well I decided to rerun it this year – and I hope to continue it with peoples support into the year ahead.

Since I am unable to provide advice via facebook (Zuckerberg has decided I am decidedly too spicy to be allowed to post in the month of the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes), I advise anyone who has any questions over the rite to directly message me. Either by email, or by messenger if they require any guidance. The main two questions I have seen posted are to do with the following: timing and hand position, especially during the bow after the Sepheranz devotional piece. The other, often asked question by people who are not in the group is: where do I find the Rite to perform it? I will answer all three succinctly now, in a manner I hope is easy to follow.

The Timing of the Samhain Eves Rite of Trident Devotion

The timing of the Rite is that it should ideally, be performed on the night of the 30th. However there is no strict timing for the rite. Anytime between 29th-30th, before commencement of the night of the 31st, is entirely acceptable. This is a rite for the Devotee – to connect them to the Gods and other devotees around the world. Because the Current is so geographically widespread, it would make no sense for a rite such as this to be set at some strict time.

Like many older witchcraft rites, when things were done when ‘the season was correct’ and things ‘felt right’, so should intuition guide the devotee when to do this ritual, as well as in its performance. You will be connecting to the Gods and other Devotees in Mythic Time at the centre of the Circle. As such, exact timings for this particular rite, do not matter.

The event on facebook is usually therefore set at the start of the 30th Day to reflect this flexibility. Choose what works for you, when you have maximum quiet time to enjoy the ritual.

The Positioning of the Hands in the Sepheranz Devotional

The positioning of the hands in the bow to Sepheranz, is similar to a bow as performed in many schools of Iaido / Aikido. I.e. it is very similar to this video (6:40). I tend to interlace the thumbs for more stability and safety than the example here, but this comes from a martial arts background and is somewhat an irrelevant point for devotional purposes. The reason for these hand movements are entirely symbolic – feel free to adapt them to what works for you. I use the ones as lain out because, they are relatively simple once you have the hang of them. I did not want overly complex, yoga like components in the rite, but something simple to reaffirm the spoken words. If anyone has issues, feel free to message me as above and ill explain as best as I can.

Acquiring the Ritual Text

I have shared many documents in the last few years of this blog. So why not this ritual? This is mainly because I want it to be for active devotees of the current, who are interacting on a regular basis. However, those who read the comments on the blog will know I am more than happy to provide the text to anyone who wishes to perform it on an individual basis – the very act of reaching out to me means a lot in this case. If you are reading this, and are a devotee not in the social media group who wants to perform the rite, please email me by midnight tonight and ill make sure you have what you need.

I hope this has helped anyone who might be struggling and needing some clarification. I look forward to your experiences shared in the group and I’ll be able to hopefully reply in full on the Fifth of November!!

When life gives you melons..

Not everything was doom and gloom, and I want to share a small, funny story and the start of a potentially peculiar new tradition over here in very rainy England. I hope this story brings a bit of daft joy to those who read it.

Last year, there was a Pumpkin shortage in Britain. Getting any of the desired, spooky orange fruit was not possible. A week before Samhain 2020 I tried desperately to get one, and was unable to source one. This was, as they say, a bit of a problem.

Someone familiar with folklore would probably now pipe up, ‘what about a Turnip?’ Even finding a humble turnip proved harder than anticipated.. and for anyone who has had the sad, forlorn experience of actually carving one, I’ll admit the thought did not fill me with joy. They are incredibly hard to shape – being in no way hollow, and having a body that is hard and resistant to being shaped even with a good knife. My mind went back to when me and my mother tried to carve one when I was nine, and it took literal hours. A tedious experience to say the least.

Standing there, I saw another fruit. The humble watermelon. And like that it was decided. It was a non traditional choice.. for sure.. but certainly easy to carve, very tasty, and the end result I thought, looked rather good!

A Carved Watermelon, self carved and taken.

It looked fantastic on the altar, and I thought it had worked out! It served its purpose – being a lantern to keep away the malign spirits of the dead, and offer a waylight and warmth to the benefic dead who wanted to hang around the altar space and temple room. It worked far better than I expected. I gave it no further thought..

Of course, until this year. And again, there is even a worse pumpkin shortage. Feeling a bit whimsical, and again being unable to find one never mind two pumpkins, this year I have bought two of the cheery, non traditional green boys. Both of which we will be carving up for the Sabbat!

Witchcraft need not always be super serious – especially on the Sabbats which are in many ways celebrations of existence – of the lockstep of life and death – of the gift of joy and the turning of the wheel. That said as well however, on the surface what was just a bit of fun, does hold deeper meaning. The first time I made this substitution was out of desperation really – due to circumstances shooting any plans to observe the turning of the seasons to ribbons. Something had to be done.

I had to ensure that the cycled would be observed, that it would not be missed, that the dead would have their way lit, and that real healing would be conducted through the observance of the Sabbat was of primary importance. So in that way, the good old watermelon took on more personal significance than just an in joke, or just an ‘easy way out’.

Merging the Joy of the Dance with the Deep Meaning of the Cycle is the best way any of us can truly hope to both celebrate and mark our most important times of the year. And the lives of those we love, and those who we have loved, and lost.

The Lit Watermelon, self carved and taken.

I hope the above silly story also imparts the deeper lesson I had painfully reinforced. And that is where you have the will, never give up. This doesn’t mean the futility of a pointless struggle. Accept, adapt, change, undergo renewal. You will come out far stronger than how you went in – one way, or another – if in a very different form.

This is the promise and power of the Cauldron of our Great Triple Faced Goddess.

I will end this here. Things here will get busier still for me and Temple – with 30th, 31st celebrations and the initiation to be held on the 4th. This will mark a turning point for the Temple and there might be a few announcements to make – of both personal and temple nature. The latter if I can get together the required art assets over the next few months.

‘In the season leaves should love,
since it gives them leave to move
through the wind, towards the ground
they were watching while they hung,
legend says there is a seam
stitching darkness like a name.

Now when dying grasses veil
earth from the sky in one last pale
wave, as autumn dies to bring
winter back, and then the spring,
we who die ourselves can peel
back another kind of veil

that hangs among us like thick smoke.
Tonight at last I feel it shake.
I feel the nights stretching away
thousands long behind the days
till they reach the darkness where
all of me is ancestor.

I move my hand and feel a touch
move with me, and when I brush
my own mind across another,
I am with my mother’s mother.
Sure as footsteps in my waiting
self, I find her, and she brings

arms that carry answers for me,
intimate, a waiting bounty.
“Carry me.” She leaves this trail
through a shudder of the veil,
and leaves, like amber where she stays,
a gift for her perpetual

-Annie Finch, “Samhain” from Eve, published by Carnegie Mellon University Press.

I wish you all a beautiful and bountiful Samhain and Year to Come,
In the Arms of Our Mother.


As the darkness now draws near,

See the cycle of the year,

As the light now goes within,

Let the hallows dance begin.’
