The Quicksilver of Light and Madness – The Laughing God

With Samhain now receding (although that said, a truly cunning witch knows how to make this blessed Sabbat extend for quite a while into November!), I want to make the post I alluded to in earlier entries.

This is a difficult one, to the point that is almost impossible to put to paper. Only those who have invoked Lucifer in high levels of possession will be able to truly understand the content here at an emotional and spiritual level, but it is one I want to try to convey.

Lucifers current is the lifeblood of mans universe, and can be physically experienced inside and outside of ritual in various forms. It can be felt as an electricity permeating the body, and can be raised to extremely euphoric levels by those who have become sufficiently tied to him via theurgic work. A side effect of this bringing closer of this current is that it can start to be Heard. This starts as a simple rhythmic pulsating beat as it animates the flesh lent to us by Belial, which becomes detectable when doing higher level workings. As one becomes more sensitive, one can begin to tune into it on an audible level – where it can be perceived as a persistent high vibrational tone, changing between consonant and dissonant tones constantly, both a chorus and drone lain out over the other.

This current is extremely empowering and life giving. Channelled in and outside of ritual it can be used to create extremely strong circles of power, even outside of any corresponding ritual action. Part of this is alluded to in the entry on the Synchronomicon. It can renew physical and mental exhaustion, and has positive healing effects on the entire body. That said, I want to talk about its counterpoint in the main today. This is where this entry comes into its own, for Lucifer also has a ‘dark side’ – and in no way is this the one that is often presumed and presented by juvenile minds. This is the current which I now detail.

The Laughing Jester (15th Century, artist unknown)

This particular current is overpowering. So strong in fact, that it can push well beyond euphoria into a manic sort of madness, and threatens to overcome all sense and reason when encountered. This is the black solar force that contrasts Lucifers bright side – the sinistral side of the Lord of The City of Pyramids. It would be foolish to think that this force can in anyway be controlled when channelled if it was not moderated in some fashion in it’s flow. Even when allowed to come through in a filtered way within the circle, the mania induced can sometimes threaten to divert or derail the operation being performed, and only experience can allow for the thin line to be rode in this regard to produce the desired theurgic effects.

In this way Lucifer reveals the other side of him that I’ve simply come to call the Laughing God aspect, for lack of a better description.  In this aspect Lucifer becomes the Fool and The Emperor combined, and everything seems to descend into chaos without rhyme or reason – in this aspect the universe of man appears a sheer force of uncontrollable competing will without governance, any concept of ‘good’ or ‘evil’ melts away accompanied with really any objective sense of reality. The vibrational tone mentioned before becomes maddeningly loud, threatening to overcome the self and shatter the mind like a mirror exposed to a sharp blow. This reveals Lucifers destructive and decomposing aspects which rend all structures into their components, returning them to their most base form. This drone at this point becomes almost indistinguishable with the droning of the Great Abyss – not surprising when we consider his relationship to it and one of the highest works of theurgy, the Rite of the Phoenix.

This is the necessary balance inherent in Lucifers divine form, and is the force which prevents stagnation in the great cycle. It is perhaps better if it is not perceived as a dualistic force at all – as I suspect that perception itself results from our unique position as incarnated beings existing primarily within a particular point in spacetime. For example, just as heat gives life but at high temperatures it breaks down bonds of molecules, so does Lucifers energy act on everything. The souls of our universe paradoxically rely on Lucifers energy – for without it they would not be able to exist – but at the same time in this state they are always on the verge of being overcome by the very energy that empowers and grants them the power inherent in divine will. In this form Lucifer becomes the master of the Great Dance of the Sabbat, but it its most wild and unrestrained form. He becomes the Eternal Dance, over which Hecate alone seems to have control and direction, whilst simultaneously being an ever present and active participant herself.

2017 Totality by John Christiansen

The devotee who is able to understand and tap into this power with Lucifers help and channel it successfully (by no means an easy feat) will truly begin to work with this great entity at the level required for the deeper work of this arte. Whilst he is best approached by many through his lighter aspects (in my opinion), facing and assimilating the gnosis of his full nature allows for a transcendent understanding and experience, which takes the great work much further for the individual concerned. It is exactly this innate understanding of his dissolving force which is needed to truly appreciate, understand, and process the nigredo stages of alchemy and survive it successfully.

As stated at the beginning, most of the above is truly impossible to relate with words alone. It must be felt, and experienced, through many repeat occurrences of successful possession work. I hope this small detailing of this aspect gives enough context and contrast with previous posts to help those who are working with him get orientated if nothing more.

From myself and the spirits here, I wish you all a productive dark half of the year as we go towards the winter solstice. May you work be beneficial and fruitful in the nights to come.

Ave Lucifer,
Laughing God!
Lord of Madness!
Master of the Dark and Light of the Sun!

Pour forth thy Poisons of the Highest and Lowest Paths
Dissolving all which stands in Our Way,
We shed ourselves of False Ego,
Like the Sacred Serpent

As we journey this Road Beyond,
We walk In Love and Devotion
The Sunset of Amenta

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