Archive for Energy

Viral Catastrophe in the Age of Becoming

Posted in The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 28, 2020 by Sypheara

I’ve had multiple people message me in regards to the truly awful pandemic that is sweeping the world right now, wondering how we are here and how this affects work going forward.

I’d just like to first say thank you to everyone who got in touch – right now, we are fine, and have put in place contingency plans to protect the temples written work as well as all magickal relics and gateways. This was spurred after divination with the powers that be revealed that unfortunately things will get inevitably worse before they get in any way better. A very surreal situation, but one we thankfully saw coming and began preparing for back in January.

The tipping point was reached and these plans have taken the form of moving everything of true vital importance to a remoter location whilst leaving magickal and physical defences at the old inner temple location. We will be working out of this new location for the foreseeable future. This is under direct advisement of the spirits of the Arte that demanded urgent and swift action from ourselves to ride out the coming storm.

We are also stocked up on food, water, and required means to defend ourselves. Unfortunately the lockdowns and other measures will likely restrict larger scale magickal workings with the Dragons. This is down to the fact that these workings require outer gateways to be penetrated in certain physical locations to be truly effective.  Plans are in place to try and pursue these were possible, whilst sticking to the lockdown regulations for everyone’s safety and benefit.

Illustration of Coronavirus, FDA Stock Image

In regards to the pandemic itself, I have heard really two camps try to explain the event. Both while containing elements of the truth, come to wrong conclusions. One maintains that there is no human or spiritual culpability – that viruses just happen and are intrinsic to nature. The second state that this is a God sent plague, echoing fire and brimstone mentality from ages thankfully gone by.

The reality is this is neither God sent, nor simply ‘bad luck’. This event is in reality a backlash from an abused and poisoned world soul – the virus itself spawned as the result of ridiculous levels of cruelty and uncleanliness – the accepted location generally being a Chinese wet market with awful conditions. This is a curse we have lain upon ourselves due to our races poor and ill judged use of the many boons the Gods have granted us – and they have simply allowed us to feel our own backlash of the collective inaction to address such issues. The Gods will allow us to reap what we ourselves have sown as the system self corrects for our colossal failures – this is not THE apocalypse, but rather a dangerous existential crisis we have forced upon ourselves due to terrible behaviour and spiritual erosion.

Such backlash occurrences are going to be common post 2012, as we enter the Aeon of Lucifer fully. Only by addressing these issues collectively can we halt the increase in strength, duration and frequency of these events.  This is the foreshock of a much larger quake, that can only be addressed by changing our ways of life on a mass scale. This will involve making the correct physical, mental and spiritual changes required to rebalance the world soul and avert disaster.

Due to the failure of an authoritarian government to effectively contain this outbreak, thanks to a colossal cover up in its early stages, all we can do is ride out the storm. Many innocent people will likely be killed in the ‘crossfire’. The massive majority, in fact. I pray that Hecate and the Gods look upon kindly those souls who cross over, and and shepherd them to where they need to be and relieve their suffering and those they inevitably leave behind.

To all those out there on the path, now would be a good time to turn inward when it comes to your spirituality. We might be stuck inside, but that is time to deepen our connections and do the inner work required in this period of nigredo. We can use this as an almost alchemical time to polish off areas of that practice where we were otherwise deficient and search for our own meaning and calling in this troubling time, whilst strengthening our connection with the powers of the path.

For those of us who don’t have that luxury due to working in essential services, firstly I’d like to thank you for your efforts in the greater community. I pray that our mother wraps her arms of protection around you, and also that she opens the eyes of all to appreciate the work you do. For to safeguard innocent lives is incredibly invaluable – a virus does not discriminate after all. At this time may your path grant you the strength to persevere, and endure.

I end this post with an invocation that was utilised in the Imbolc rite I performed this year for the local pagan group – at this time of Ostara celebration in the older calendar (which runs around seven days after the actual equinoxes), I feel it is just as appropriate to reiterate. The text is from a rite, where raised energy is earthed into the Dragonlines to quicken the great serpent. I offer it as both blessing, and curse, as is appropriate. Stay safe and well all.

The Masque of the Red Death, Edgar Allan Poe, artist unknown.



I call to you Spirits of these Crystals,

Devas Divine,

In the Name of the Gods of The Trident,

Sink this Energy into the Flesh of the Dragon,

May the Wheel turn once more,




ay the life giving powers flow,

Returning warmth to our Lands

Our Lives

Our Flesh and Bones

May all sickness and doubt flee before You

May all cold and hunger be banished,

May Life return to this Land,

That which has been so Dearly Bought,

In the Long Nights,

By All your Creatures and Devotees,

In Blessed Sacrifice to the Cycle,


To those who pour out their Love to you,

I bid,

Bring the Blessings of the Path,

Protect, Guide and Empower them,

As they walk your Path,

May the Age of Renewal come to pass,

Where our kind sees the folly of its ways,

And grasps what has been graciously given,

For the good of the All


To those who in ignorance and blindness,

Work against the Healing and Evolution of our World,

I Bid,

Bring Harsh Lessons,

Open their Eyes to what is suffered,

And what must be endured,

Teach them what must be taught,

In Mercy and In Love,

For the Aeon to come.


To those who in conceit and pride,

Those who intentionally harm the Flesh of the Dragon,

For Profit and Greed,

Maliciously and with Full Knowledge

Believing themselves beyond reproach

I Bid,

Devour them Utterly,

Flay their skin with plague resplendent,

Consuming that which was lent,

By the Prince of this Earth,

And made a mockery of with Atlantean Curse,

May they feel your full black poison,

Course through their veins,

As they are  reclaimed and repossessed,

For those souls no redemption,

In the Eyes of the Gods.





Beauty in Singularity: The Face of Messier 87

Posted in The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 10, 2019 by Sypheara

Today marks a ground breaking development in the field of Astrophysics. For the first time, scientists have managed to get a hold of the first picture of a black hole. This marks a great step forward in our study of these great stellar constructs, and so far confirms our understanding of general relativity. Going forward observations will, hopefully, point the way towards unifying two of the underpinnings of modern physics which currently stand somewhat in opposition. More on that angle here.

The black hole imaged is that at the centre of the Messier 87 galaxy. Described as a ‘complete monster’ by some, it is unfathomably large. Estimates have ranged from (3.5 ± 0.8) to (6.6 ± 0.4) × 109 solar masses, with a measurement of 7.22+0.34 −0.40×109 solar masses being obtained in 2016. This mass is one of the highest known for a supermassive black hole. A rotating disk of ionized gas surrounds the black hole, and is roughly perpendicular to the relativistic jet. This disk rotates at a velocity of up to 1,000 km/s, and spans a diameter of 0.39 light years. M87* as it is known, swallows an entire solar mass every ten years – equivalent to 90 earths in a single day.

The photograph from the recent work is below which shows the event horizon itself. The picture immediately after it, demonstrates the jet emitting from the M87 galaxy itself – which is the bright glow of the condensed stars which make up its elliptical shape.

Image of the supermassive black hole M87* – Event Horizon Telescope

Photograph of the relativistic jet generated by M87* – NASA

The EHT has also been attempting to take pictures of our galaxies heart Sagittarius A*, itself located in Sagittarius Alpha, a very interesting part of space. Soon we will get a picture of our own parent supermassive black hole, which has driven stellar evolution likely for over 13.2 billion years.

For those who know little about black holes, physically they are extreme concentrations of matter – so intense they bend literal space time in their vicinity. So intense that at their core, the curve of space time becomes infinite in what is known as a singularity, and all known laws of physics break apart under the extreme conditions.

So crazy are these predictions that alot of interesting theories abound – some believe that black holes allow travel to other universes, effectively acting as wormholes – others positing that collapsing black holes themselves create new universes and it was such a process that formed our own.

One is probably thinking at this point what this has to do with the Primal Current. In my own approach to Primal Current, these objects are nothing short than some of the strongest stellar portals – that belong to the Lord of the Dark Star.

The Lord of the Dark Star is the gatekeeper of the Throne of Hecate, and an immensely powerful stellar being that holds the keys to intense stellar gnosis. As a spirit he is quite aloof and difficult to reach for many people – mainly reachable through Hecate when the time is right and he chooses to reveal himself. Detailed initially in the Red King by Mark Alan Smith, he makes numerous further appearances across Marks work. With this day being so important, I felt it would be great to therefore share some of the stellar gnosis that was obtained in the form of the following invocation and voces magickae sent forth with working with him closely alongside Lucifer. I’m not sure if i’ve published these before publicly, but either way I felt today was a time to post them.

Caduceus of the Lord of the Dark Star – The Red King, Mark Alan Smith

Call to the Lord of The Dark Star

Through the Eye of the Great Dragon,
In Knowledge and Power I call to you,
Lord of the Sacred Stellar Gateway,
That which lies beyond Sagittarius Alpha itself!
Crown Prince of the Endless Void,
Child of Hecate and Lucifer,

Great Guardian to the Throne of the Great Goddess,
He whose Name is spoken only in hushed whispers,
In words half remembered by the Race of Man,
Open the Way to your Swirling Vortex,
Envelop me in your Essence,
Within The Crown of the Axis Mundi of the All,
Revealing the Pathways to Dimensions,
Outside the Realms of Finite Time and Space,
Your Eternal Way now opened,
Paid for in Witchblood and in Love,
In Hecates Name’

The above invocational call should be done whilst in a fully cast circle, with the trees fully opened, utilising Hecates Eye (in turn created from an orb of solid obsidian). This is the perfect start to devotional work with him – in additional, the sigil given may be marked in wood, itself painted black, in gold.

The LU-THAY-CI-EL, ASH-TE-RAY is a call given by this entity alongside Lucifer to intensify and quicken stellar currents. It can be used in conjunction with the above invocation as mantra to empower the devotional rite. It can also be used for other select purposes – that at some point I hope to detail in print far, far down the line.

My first meeting with this entity was of being suspended on a stone platform, in the blackness of space, with the form of Sagittarius A* burning brightly behind it. I was surrounded by some kind of energetic shield, safe from the intense waves of radiation which licked its edges, in turn forming fabulous aurorae. The Lord of the Dark Star extruded into the shield from the event horizon itself, descending several manifested stone steps. He appeared as an immensely powerful winged humanoid form, possessing a canine head, reminiscent of drawings and paintings of the god Anubis. The energy that washed over me from from him was an intense fuschian colour of such vibrancy it was breathtaking. It was here he gave his initial empowerment, something I will always be eternally grateful for.

Ever since, the winter solstice and dark moons have taken a special meaning as perfect nights for working with him as well as other stellar entities that are otherwise drowned out every month by moonlight. These are perfect nights to work with the stellar spirits, for obvious practical reasons.

To end this relatively short but hopefully interesting piece, I’ll simply add that we live in a time now where our knowledge of the physical stellar makeup is far improved, and that it befits us to to work with them based on this. Just as the ancients based their stellar work on actual observation and direct contact with these entities, so should we, rather than relying on debased systems that have been hacked and chopped together over the last 200 years, themselves based on valuable but flawed medieval century grimoires.

For those who are wanting to learn more about stellar magic – start with astronomy. Build up your knowledge of the stars themselves, and of the stellar classifications and coordinate systems. This can seem tedious at first but it is a genuine base – even a very amateur understanding will put you light years (pun intended) in front of those who work outdated methods without understanding the actual, physical realities around us. Your magickal work will simply become much more effective and new avenues will open to you. Of special interest would be examining stellar classification, to better know the types of stars in our sky.

For those new entirely to astronomy and stellar, or even planetary magick, the following books work as good launching points with the above kept firmly in mind.  There is plenty more but these are my current favourites I can personally recommend. It is important to know where to go from to remain earthed in some manner in this vast avenue of exploration.

Turn Left at Orion: Hundreds of Night Sky Objects to See in a Home Telescope – and How to Find Them by Guy Consolmagno

Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology by George C Noonan

Practical Planetary Magick by Sorita D’Este and David Rankine

Stellar Magic by Payam Nabarz

To You,
Nameless One,
Master of The Nine Universes,
I Give My Thanks and Praise,
Enfolded Within The Shadow of Your Wings
Bathing In Your Pure Black Light,
In Love and In Honour,


The Stars of the Hunter: The Constellation Orion

Posted in Stellar Gnosis, The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 17, 2019 by Sypheara

Going into the new year has been a powerful time here, bringing many changes to my mundane life for the better. I truly feel blessed by my Gods, who have made themselves known in sometimes frighteningly, powerful ways on the physical plane as of late in the strength of signs and synchronicities sent forth.  It is hard to talk of the love and appreciation I have for them, and what they have brought me these last few months, so ill suffice to say I finally feel the previous trials have borne their fruit in their entirety. This has put me in a good place for forthcoming work in 2019 – which will involve again, some strict theurgic work to open the next set of stellar pillars.

Surgat has finally been contacted over these last few months, and successful pact has been entered. This will be sealed by taking his mark over the coming weeks – at which point the correct empowerment and protection will be in place to open his lock on the Ivory Path. I am heavily looking forward to kick starting this process – hoping to work through this quickly and then by summer, have Lucifer’s stellar pillar fully opened. This should hopefully pave the way for the work with Belial, the spirits of the stellar caverns, the Ivory Spider and finally, of what is making itself known as the rite of ‘lesser whirlpool’. Full understanding of this process will be unveiled in time, as  individual works are completed, which should allow for rapid assimilation of the dependent gnosis.

One of the side affects of this work is expanding awareness of the great stellar spirits that ply their way through the heavens. Greater knowledge of the stars reveals just how much has been lost, from a magickal perspective, in regards to knowledge of working with these entities. Even old magickal systems that are often relied on, whilst arguably more dependable than modern systems, are also shown to be greatly lacking – most of them being invented thousands of years after the majority of the truly wondrous stellar magickal lore was lost.

In many cases, the stars became subservient to the planets or worse. This is strongly demonstrated by modern astrology – taken to extremes in popular, shallow, banal sun sign fixation – which has withered to the point of being unusable outside of as a dubious self help tool. Here, Alan Leo and the Theosophical Society have a lot to answer for.

These systems would have been entirely alien to the stellar priests of the past, where the stars were exalted as powerful beings of their own whose portents could be read to accurately predict the streams of fate and complement soul travel through the heavens.

There is a rather good article on this, that can be found here by Ida C. Benedetto, which covers this in some detail. My own goal with this entry is a little different.

What is important from a modern stellar gnosis perspective is direct contact with these entities where possible. To be able to accomplish this, one must have an appreciation and knowledge of the physical structures on which our Magick is based. Thus, we must turn away from overly abstract, simplified models back to complex and deep investigations that lead to a living star praxis.

One of the greatest collections of Stellar Entities and Formations, can be found in the constellation of Orion, which is a great starting point to investigate this expansive field. Being one of the most easily recognised constellations, it is a veritable powerhouse of stellar power than lies along the celestial equator making it visible throughout the world. The picture below shows Orion in incredible detail, including several important deep sky objects. Learning about this area of space would be of great benefit to someone who hopes to gain Stellar Gnosis and work it into their practice.

Photo taken by Rogelio Bernal Andreo in October 2010 of the Orion constellation showing the surrounding nebulae of the Orion Molecular Cloud complex.

The ‘main’ stars that make up the constellation are full of power and history. The top most star, an orange giant named Betelgeuse, is very dominant. Betelgeuse is expected, within the short stellar timeframe of two million years, to explode as a giant supernova. Going clockwise, we have Bellatrix in the top right, Rigel in the bottom right, and then Saiph in the bottom left. The belt asterism is made up of the stars Altinak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

Below, a basic table of the statistics of these stars are displayed along with relevant links to further information on their physical makeup. It should be noted that some of these stars are in fact binary stars – meaning that the system is in fact made up of two stars in close orbit, that appears as one point in the sky. This has an effect on the energies that are drawn through when working with them.


Approx. distance
(Light years)
Betelgeuse 0.0–1.3 643 887
Rigel 0.05–0.18 860 78.9
Bellatrix 1.659–1.64 250 5.75
Mintaka 2.23 (3.2/3.3) 1,200 16.5
Alnilam 1.64–1.74 2,000 42
Alnitak 1.77 (2.08/4.28/4.01) 1,260 20
Saiph 2.09 650 22.2

Orion, is traditionally associated with the huntsman of the same name from Hellenic Myth. Plenty of other cultures have a similar, martial theme to describe mythologically this constellation, and the surrounding stellar structures. Personal experience has led me to utilise these stars in powerful rites of stellar purification and earthing – in fact they played a major role in the ritual to earth Lucifer’s stellar energies, and uproot the entity from the cursed earth that was encountered in earlier workings detailed on this blog.  Specific gnosis shows indeed, Betelgeuse is the ruler of this constellation, when they are worked together, with Alnilam being the lens and mediator in which its power is directed down into the constructed stellar gates.

This current is incredibly electrifying – of such benefic power that it really does bend the mind to experience it. When directed in the name of Hecate, Lucifer, Belial and the Lord of the Dark Star, it can be used to create stellar anchor points of such strength, drawing in a quickening and empowering current into the flesh of the Earth. This is something i hope to detail in full at some point in the future – this ritual, that was the sealing of Lucifer’s promise and gift of the Phoenix fire. The amount of energy that is able to be channelled should not be surprising – with this being an active, physical birthing ground of new stars in the many deep sky nebulae that can be observed here. Here, the hearts of new stars are forged, within the winding strands of the Orion, Horsehead and Flame Nebulas that make up the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.

Orion is also a useful pointer to other, powerful stars in that region of the sky. This can be of most use to a witch making use of stellar power.

Orion as a navigational aid, by Mysid

Firstly, Orion’s belt points to both Sirius and Aldebaran. Sirius is the brightest star in the night’s sky, and as part of Canis Major, is also known as the Dog Star. This has long been considered to be ‘Orion’s Dog’, that follows him through the sky. The Greeks believed it to have a baleful influence on dogs, driving them to frenzy. This is contrasted by Persian star lore, which assigns Sirius to Tishtrya, a divinity of rain, fertility, and the antagonist of the demon of drought.

To the opposite end indicated by the belt, is the star Aldebaran, one of the Persian Royal Stars, which lies in the constellation of Taurus. In this system Aldebaran was seen as the Watcher of the East.  The Persian Royal Stars were seen as the Guardian of the Skies, and were made up of Aldebaran, Fomalhaut, Antares and Regulus. The implications here for those who are clued up on the identity of the Princes of the Quarters should be obvious. That will be an interesting avenue to pursue, especially from a primal craft perspective. It bears mentioning that three of these match with the Behenian Fixed Star list, with Fomalhaut being the exception. It is interesting to note that the Hyades lie directly behind Aldebaran – distinct from it, but easily noticeable, with that great star seeming to act as their current gatekeeper due to it’s position and prominence.

Procyon can be found tracing a line from Mintaka through Betelgeuse. This star is seen as a companion of Sirius, falling in the constellation of Canis Minor, and is also seen as a ‘Wolf’ star. Following a line through Rigel and Betelgeuse, the stars Castor and Pollux may be found, mythological twins which lie within the constellation Gemini.

Finally, those powerful, luminous, class B stars of immense stellar power that make up the sacred Pleiadean Gate may be found by following the path towards Aldebaran but continuing slightly further along the imaginary path. Here they appear as a dense cluster of stars, easily visible to the naked eye. These beautiful stars, who make up the circle of the sisters, are important for their protective powers that feature in the basic circle construction ritual that primal craft utilises.  These stars could form a whole entry on this blog themselves, so I will leave it by simply saying that, with Taurus / Auriga lying at the galactic anticentre, these stars lie directly in the path that takes us outside of our galaxy. As such, they therefore form a magickal channel of great power, to the interstellar void that lies beyond them. This lies in contrast with the power emitted from Sagittarius, where lies the pulsing heart of our Galaxy and that great stellar portal over which the Lord of the Dark Star holds claim.

Drawing a line from Betelgeuse through Aldebaran, the Pleiades are easily found (top right)
Photograph by Panda~thwiki

The Pleiades, photograph by David Martin

I hope I have instilled in the reader the desire to explore this area further. The ease of which identification of these stars can be made lend them well to being a springboard for further investigation and work, especially when we consider how densely packed this area is with stellar lore and power. Thus we become blessed with greater knowledge of the stars, thus re-birthing our relationship with these stellar entities.

I end this entry with a single image that details the evolution of Orion. For the stars are not static, but are living breathing beings, which only an active approach can seek to reach with genuine and long lasting success.

The Evolution of The Hunter, animation of Proper Motion by Tony873004 


Ave Hecate Asteria,
Queen of the Stellar Torches
Ave Lucifer,
Master of the Living Starfire,
Ave Belial,
Lord of All Flesh,
Ave The Lord of the Dark Star,
Keeper of Sagittarius Alpha
Ave the Stars of the Hunter,
Ave the Pleiadian and Hyadean Gates,
Through Which the Stellar Currents are Delivered,
Into the Heart of Our World,
In Loving Stellar Evolution,
Let our Paths be Elevated,
O Silver Tongued Lords


The Quicksilver of Light and Madness – The Laughing God

Posted in Luciferianism, Occultism, Paganism, The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 8, 2018 by Sypheara

With Samhain now receding (although that said, a truly cunning witch knows how to make this blessed Sabbat extend for quite a while into November!), I want to make the post I alluded to in earlier entries.

This is a difficult one, to the point that is almost impossible to put to paper. Only those who have invoked Lucifer in high levels of possession will be able to truly understand the content here at an emotional and spiritual level, but it is one I want to try to convey.

Lucifers current is the lifeblood of mans universe, and can be physically experienced inside and outside of ritual in various forms. It can be felt as an electricity permeating the body, and can be raised to extremely euphoric levels by those who have become sufficiently tied to him via theurgic work. A side effect of this bringing closer of this current is that it can start to be Heard. This starts as a simple rhythmic pulsating beat as it animates the flesh lent to us by Belial, which becomes detectable when doing higher level workings. As one becomes more sensitive, one can begin to tune into it on an audible level – where it can be perceived as a persistent high vibrational tone, changing between consonant and dissonant tones constantly, both a chorus and drone lain out over the other.

This current is extremely empowering and life giving. Channelled in and outside of ritual it can be used to create extremely strong circles of power, even outside of any corresponding ritual action. Part of this is alluded to in the entry on the Synchronomicon. It can renew physical and mental exhaustion, and has positive healing effects on the entire body. That said, I want to talk about its counterpoint in the main today. This is where this entry comes into its own, for Lucifer also has a ‘dark side’ – and in no way is this the one that is often presumed and presented by juvenile minds. This is the current which I now detail.

The Laughing Jester (15th Century, artist unknown)

This particular current is overpowering. So strong in fact, that it can push well beyond euphoria into a manic sort of madness, and threatens to overcome all sense and reason when encountered. This is the black solar force that contrasts Lucifers bright side – the sinistral side of the Lord of The City of Pyramids. It would be foolish to think that this force can in anyway be controlled when channelled if it was not moderated in some fashion in it’s flow. Even when allowed to come through in a filtered way within the circle, the mania induced can sometimes threaten to divert or derail the operation being performed, and only experience can allow for the thin line to be rode in this regard to produce the desired theurgic effects.

In this way Lucifer reveals the other side of him that I’ve simply come to call the Laughing God aspect, for lack of a better description.  In this aspect Lucifer becomes the Fool and The Emperor combined, and everything seems to descend into chaos without rhyme or reason – in this aspect the universe of man appears a sheer force of uncontrollable competing will without governance, any concept of ‘good’ or ‘evil’ melts away accompanied with really any objective sense of reality. The vibrational tone mentioned before becomes maddeningly loud, threatening to overcome the self and shatter the mind like a mirror exposed to a sharp blow. This reveals Lucifers destructive and decomposing aspects which rend all structures into their components, returning them to their most base form. This drone at this point becomes almost indistinguishable with the droning of the Great Abyss – not surprising when we consider his relationship to it and one of the highest works of theurgy, the Rite of the Phoenix.

This is the necessary balance inherent in Lucifers divine form, and is the force which prevents stagnation in the great cycle. It is perhaps better if it is not perceived as a dualistic force at all – as I suspect that perception itself results from our unique position as incarnated beings existing primarily within a particular point in spacetime. For example, just as heat gives life but at high temperatures it breaks down bonds of molecules, so does Lucifers energy act on everything. The souls of our universe paradoxically rely on Lucifers energy – for without it they would not be able to exist – but at the same time in this state they are always on the verge of being overcome by the very energy that empowers and grants them the power inherent in divine will. In this form Lucifer becomes the master of the Great Dance of the Sabbat, but it its most wild and unrestrained form. He becomes the Eternal Dance, over which Hecate alone seems to have control and direction, whilst simultaneously being an ever present and active participant herself.

2017 Totality by John Christiansen

The devotee who is able to understand and tap into this power with Lucifers help and channel it successfully (by no means an easy feat) will truly begin to work with this great entity at the level required for the deeper work of this arte. Whilst he is best approached by many through his lighter aspects (in my opinion), facing and assimilating the gnosis of his full nature allows for a transcendent understanding and experience, which takes the great work much further for the individual concerned. It is exactly this innate understanding of his dissolving force which is needed to truly appreciate, understand, and process the nigredo stages of alchemy and survive it successfully.

As stated at the beginning, most of the above is truly impossible to relate with words alone. It must be felt, and experienced, through many repeat occurrences of successful possession work. I hope this small detailing of this aspect gives enough context and contrast with previous posts to help those who are working with him get orientated if nothing more.

From myself and the spirits here, I wish you all a productive dark half of the year as we go towards the winter solstice. May you work be beneficial and fruitful in the nights to come.

Ave Lucifer,
Laughing God!
Lord of Madness!
Master of the Dark and Light of the Sun!

Pour forth thy Poisons of the Highest and Lowest Paths
Dissolving all which stands in Our Way,
We shed ourselves of False Ego,
Like the Sacred Serpent

As we journey this Road Beyond,
We walk In Love and Devotion
The Sunset of Amenta

October and the Hunters Moon: Ecstatic Rites

Posted in Occultism, Paganism, The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2018 by Sypheara

Hello all, I hope that October has been treating you extremely well. The energy of the last month at least in good old Britannia, has been building to a crescendo as we go towards our beloved Samhain.

The energy that has been permeating the air here became extremely powerful at the height of the Hunters Moon, to the point it was almost thick and could be tasted even outside of ritual. The energy was sufficient to turn several areas of the local area very thin as far as the veil is concerned. At one particular spot, the energy grew so thick I felt I needed to work with it – the spirit of the place seemed oddly demanding but also welcoming.

I took a small stone, and alternated a simple beat on a nearby piece of metal, similar to that of a heartbeat. One loud, one subtle, matching it to my own pulse as best as could be felt. Over time, i quickened this beat, again mirroring the internal quickening, thus bringing my own bio rhythm into tune with that of the energy of place. At the crescendo i could feel the merging of my blood with that of the ‘blood’ of the place, the earthy powerful feeling of copper filling the mouth, that taste of primal energy. At its peak, I felt the energy release along the spine, and abruptly everything stopped. In the still air, everything went quiet, and the wind seemed to murmur in approval at the stirring communion given. Leaves rustled past and then fell silently to the ground and all went still.

This is but a small example of an ecstatic experience. In the west, we have become overly used to working in eastern ways – with systems of meditation taught to us with the aim of quietening our minds. These, I will not argue against as having innate value, and it is no wonder they were adapted for use, entering our collective skillset. Many of them have been used highly successfully in our modern practice – and many of them have similar if not identical analogues in older western traditions. However I see in certain areas of the Craft (not all, some) that some of the importance around rites of ecstatic communion have been lost – especially when it comes to possession work. This seems strange when you consider that many witchcraft traditions stress ecstatic work – are even founded upon it – but are somehow still seemingly afraid of the power that can be unleashed. This is maybe understandable, but it is something that needs to be worked through in my eyes to properly inflame the craft for future generations.

‘Ask the Oak’ by Adam Oehlers

This is mainly aimed at those working within Hecates Primal Current that are reading this, but this may also be of use to others out there – you should incorporate where possible the ecstatic rites into your work. How this is done is difficult to teach or even to convey in some respects. How it can be done is numerous – one good example would be when performing sexual magickal possession work within this current.  When done at a high level with the Gods and Spirits this is anything but a subdued, meditative experience – but one that rips through the entire body and delivers body shaking possessions that send energy pulsating along the spine. As such, restraint in these operations should be removed and the experience fully embraced – anything else results simply in half measures and results.

Again in general ritual, drumming, singing, chanting and dancing can all be used to intensify the energy of a rite – this is the perfect method for bringing in some very powerful spirits, losing oneself in the experience and truly embracing the being called in. As long as Hecates ever watchful eye and protection has been invoked. and the practitioner is in the correct space, the result should be a positive one. With the dismissal of fear, this can be a profoundly progressive and literally transformative experience that can facilitate massive leaps on the theurgic path. It must be adapted to fit the situation, it is not something that can be replicated from reciting cold hard text from any book. It is learned through experience, sometimes hard earned – do not believe the snake oils salesmen who will direct you away from this, telling you they alone hold the secrets. Secrets of course they will ever so divulge if you believe their comedic youtube promotionals and buy into their overpriced and frankly amateurish body of work that shows little understanding of the above.

Note although I previously used sexual magick as an example, ecstatic work does not need to be confined to such. Only people who lack imagination or who are after something would say so (if its related to paired work). None of the above methods (drumming, singing, chanting, dancing) need to possess a sexual element – they just need to harmonise with the particular spirit being worked with. Similar to how in physics, waves that in phase have an amplifying effect, the same is to be attempted using the ecstatic method.  As such, it is also usually specific to each individual spirit as to what works best in your relationship with them when bringing them into the flesh.

Many have been in contact with me and told me they have problem with possession work – hence the topic of this post. Talking to them I realise they are only approaching its performance from meditative, contemplative angles. This has its place in more subtle forms of possession, in preparation before rites, and in other forms of magickal work but in my experience (and certainly, it is dependent on the individual and their innate gifts) the strongest forms of possession are experienced using ecstatic methods. As we go towards Samhain, I recommend people change to more ecstatic means to take their possession work to the next level if they are having difficulties working with spirit. I wish it was something I could give more concrete guidance on, but the exact method differs wildly from individual to individual. The only universal tip I can settle on is aim to synchronise your own innate biorhythms, your ceremonial actions, and the energies of the possessing spirit into harmony – in this way everything flows as one – all you need to do from then on is grab hold of the surging wave, and ride it to its natural completion.

Art by Valin Mattheis

For those who are feeling a little more comfortable, i’d suggest if you have the opportunity you take it to the next level and push past your own comfort zone. Leave your usual working space and go into the wilds away from human contact, ensuring of course proper preparation to stay safe. You don’t need to go overly far – the most startlingly beautiful and powerful places are usually within reach, even for those of us with limited transport options with a bit of effort. If you find a site that feels good for communion after physical and spiritual considerations have been taken into account, you can perform the ecstatic rites. These should always be conducted from within a suitably cast circle (even if that is a quick cast than something fully ceremonial). The goal being to learn about that space, its genius locii, and begin building powerful relationship. Not just this, but also simply for the sheer joy of exercising your divine right to embrace your existence upon this plane and others. In these workings the ways to rehallow the Earth soul are revealed and worked – real change can be made here at the liminal crossing points where long forgotten spirits await. Not all are friendly, or easy to work with, but all will listen to a sincere call of one of Hecates kin. From there it is up to you. Not all can do or are suited to thiswork and that is perfectly fine. But for those who are, I can tell you its a worthwhile experience.

With the above relayed, I want to quickly say I hope to do a few more posts over the Samhain period, keeping them relatively short  but detailing select things. The next post I want to be about Lucifers burning stellar energies, and how that interplays with Hecates, in a way that is somewhat channelled if possible at the time. It is difficult to relate it text but I will do my best to bring it forth for (more likely on!) our hallowed date.

May the light of the Goddess guide you,
On the Ecstatic Paths the lead to Her Throne,
And Into the Arms of Her and her Kin

Ave Hecate,

To Keep a Promise: Drawing down the Stars

Posted in The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 12, 2017 by Sypheara

To follow on from the previous post, the Amulet of the Stellar King was as planned utilised in an evocation rite, on Samhain. This ritual was designed not only as a devotional work due to the Sabbat, but to request access to something remarkably special.

Walking this path, up to this point, the power of Lucifers many names was not required. However, the Gods made it more and more plain that in order to move from working from Hecates stellar gate to Lucifers, access to them would be a requirement.

As such, the amulet was used in a powerful evocation work with Lucifer to formally request this. The initial evocation took longer than anticipated to elicit a positive response – likely indicative of a test of perseverance on their part.  A powerful shimmering of the triangle, like a heat haze, accompanied by darting shadows and an intensification of the energies in the room, albeit subtle marked his arrival. This developed into transvocation, through inviting Lucifer into the circle and into the flesh itself, connecting inner and external manifestations.

Through this, Lucifer unlocked the seals on the use of his many names thus bestowing upon me their use via the associated words of power. Without the unlocking of these seals, the words are nothing but hollow – however with it, they become a powerful stellar key.

From here, in auto-writing, Lucifer communicated much. Surprisingly, he gave me a very important task to seal the work. This task was no less than to undertake a journey to the foot of the mountains here, and create a stellar gateway which would earth those currents, of the star lords, into Belials flesh. This would have the effect of quickening and re-enlivening the land, whilst facilitating its healing from its relatively violent history and current spiritual malaise.

The timescale given was that the work was to be completed in under three full moons. The formula consisted of many parts, the main one being the requirement of the the construction of a physical anchor point under the New Moon operating under starlight only. To this end, several stones were collected and marked with the anchoring sigils Lucifer sent in subsequent workings. The picture below details these, before they were ritually empowered in preparation for the trip.

The Stones used in the construction of the Stellar Gateway

On the 18th of November, this gateway was thus opened under the watching stars of Orion, in accordance with the formula given. The actual ritual itself was extremely taxing due to the abundance of physical manifestations present at the location. As the foundations of the gateway were lain and ritually ensouled in sacrificial witchblood, the Stellar currents gave way from powerful,subtle and uplifting  to roaring black energies as the wound so to speak was powerfully lanced. Hecates wolves were instrumental at holding the circles edge here – without them and the amulet, I firmly believe that the opening of the gateway would have failed catastrophically. However with their aid, the gateway was with some difficulty opened in the name of Lucifer, the Lord of the Dark Star, and other present stellar lords who had made their presence known.

With the energies thus rooted, the location was left with the wolves still guarding the location until I was clear away from the location of the rite. From here, powerful currents continue to flow outwards – and continue to affect me. Dreamwork has been extremely vivid since opening these gates, and the power from then has even bled over, affecting those close to me. In one case, a good friend being energised to full sabbatic flight despite 0 experience with such powerful workings.

With the drawing down of the stars, the opportunity to work in future again at the location presents itself, as working at the nexus or the surrounding land will draw from its power. Anyone who is able to effectively work with the stellar paths will also benefit from the increased energies now enlinked.

Constellations Orion, Canis Minor and Canis Major, by Akira Fujii

The above work brings me nicely to the 21st of December where myself and some other Trident practitioners are planning a ritual to honour the Lord of the Dark Star, a powerful entity in our current. This will be many peoples first workings with him, and im excited to see how their relationship with him develops – knowing full well how aloof he can be! This time of the year has in my own praxis become intrinsically tied with him – for the part of the world I live in, the conjunction of the seasons with the dark or close to dark moons is excellent for these kinds of workings.

After the completion of the above, its likely going into the New Year further work will need to be done with Surgat before Lucifers stellar gate is opened.  Ill be taking the time this month to catch up with the many things i need to write up about in my personal journals, but will hopefully put up a small post sometime the back end of December detailing anything that comes out of the Lord of the Dark Star Work where possible.

As an aside, the domain will be renewed around this time. There shouldn’t hopefully be any site disruption, but in the off chance of that, the backup url of should still function.

I hope you all have a wonderful December and upcoming winter solstice,

Ave Hecate,


The Lines of Power: Part Two

Posted in Folk Belief, Occultism, Paganism, The Path of Flames with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2013 by Sypheara

So here it finally  is, the second part of the Lines of Power post I’ve been meaning to. This is going to be another long post, due to covering several topics, so grab yourself a coffee – you might need it to make it through!

Addendum: Leylines – Astrological Significance

Firstly, I’d like to quicly and briefly summarise that, outside of the original post’s conclusion, I do believe that SOME ley lines lie along paths of astrological significance. It is now widely accepted by the mainstream that these sites were often made specifically to identify, track, and even measure the cycles of the celestial planets. As such, it would of course make sense that certain sites are aligned along paths which facilitate this. These lines would be the exception to the examples talked about in the prior posting – these sites would necessarily have to be located along the same line, marking a real, tangible line of influence. With that said, this wasn’t the point of part two, so I’ll leave that for other people to discuss/research and keep this as a small sidenote.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

The most easily observable Lines of Power I will mention here is arguably those of Earth’s magnetic field. I have included it here to ground the other topics and to illustrate the great physical influence these have on human life and the biosphere.

Magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charge. This can be seen in a humble bar magnet, where the magnetic field results from negatively charged electrons moving from one pole to another. The Earth similarly has a magnetic field. Whilst its origins are poorly understood, it is believed that the electrical currents are produced by convectice effects and rotation in the liquid, metallic outer core which is comprised of iron and nickel.

This field is constantly present but can vary considerably with time. Rocks such as basalt that are formed from a molten state preserve indicators of the magnetic field when they eventually solidify. This allows geologists to observe how the magnetic field has changed over time. These indicators show that the flow of the field is not constant, varies in strength, and has gone through several cycles of reversing the direction of its flow.

The actual poles of the field do not correspond to true north and true south, and the poles are known to wander, presumed considerably so before a reversal. This causes a declination in the magnetic field lines, which can be measured to be significant over a few hundred years.

Earth’s magnetic field is vital to life.  Our sun produces larges amount of radiation, in the form of Solar Wind. Solar Wind is not wind at all, but instead a powerful stream of of charged particles consisting of electrons and protons. These are released from the upper atmosphere of the Sun, and can be exceptionally damaging especially during intense periods of solar flare activity. Thankfully the presence of Earth’s magnetic field prevents the atmosphere from being stripped away into space, and the surface from being heavilly irradiated. Even so, the harsh battering the planet receives is enough to distort the magnetosphere significantly, as shown in the image below.

This is not the only effect the magnetosphere has however. It is known that many organisms on Earth make use of the magnetic field for numerous purposes, in what is known as Biomagnetism. Biomagnetism plays an important role in the lives of many species.

A powerful example of how it affects organisms would be in a class of bacteria known as magnetotactic bacteria. These organisms demonstrate a behaviour in which they orientate themselves and migrate along the Earths magnetic field lines. These bacteria are said to be permanantly sensitive to the fields, due to them containing magnetosomes which act as a magnetic dipole, preserving the crystalline structure of cells.

Other examples can be seen in even more complex animals, including various mammal and bird species. In these cases, the magnetic field of the earth is used as a natural inbuilt compass, to help guide the animal in some manner, as either a map, a compass, or a compass calibrator.

In addition, there are several studies that show that the Earths magnetic field can have influence upon the human brain.  Studies on the possibility of a human magnetic sense being present has been conducted, with mixed results. It is known however that humans possess magnetic bones in the human nose, and another recent study showed that low-frequency magnetic fields can produce an evoked response in human subjects.

It is interesting to note that strong magnetic fields can cause hallucinations, such as the feeling of being watched, and are in some cases are seen by some to play a part in several hauntings. It does therefore not seem too far fetched to believe that magnetosphere has some kind of psychological influence. I will leave that topic for further exploration another day however.

Song Lines/Dream Lines

In Aboriginal Australian belief, there exists a concept of the Song Lines or Dream Lines. These lines, also known as Dreaming Tracks, are paths across the land and sky which mark the route followed by localised creator spirits, during the Dream Time. The Dream Time was a sacred era in which it is believed that the ancestral totemic spirit beings created the world, making these lines actual lines of spiritual power.

These paths are recorded through traditional songs, stories, dance and paintings. By recalling these paths in song or through other methods, the indigenous people could navigate vast physical distances, travelling often through the harsh deserts that make up the centre of Australia. The continent is said to contain an extensive system of Song Lines. Some of these are only a few kilometres long, whilst others are travel hundreds of kilometres, crossing several different territories owned by differing indigneous tribes.

Someone who is knowledgeable of the lines and able to recall them in this manner is able to see the marks of the Spirits. Repeating phrases and words in song that describe of the location of landmarks such as waterholes and other natural phenomena enables them to follow the Song Line. In many cases it is said that the paths of the creator spirits is obvious from their marks on the land, such as large depressions or other signs which are said to be of their footprints, body marks or other indicators of their physical presence.

Some Song Lines have strict taboos or rules surrounding them that are observed religiously. For example, some Song Lines are thought to have a particular direction, and walking the reverse way along such a Song Line is seen as a sacrilegious act.  This is difficult to at first appreciate the severity of, but when one investigates how Traditional Aboriginal people regard their land sacred, and them as guardians it begins to make much more sense. The Aboriginal people believe that the songs must be continually song of the lines to keep the land alive, and working against and damaging the Song Lines is obviously seen in a bad light.

In both these posts I have now covered several examples of different Lines of Power, I will now go onto detailing the teaching my own Path has on this, alongside my own personal interpretation which will hopefully wrap it all up in a cohesive way.

Path of Flames Teaching and My Interpretation

The Path of Flames has its own take on Lines of Power, in the form of the Dragon Lines. These Dragon Lines are in a way similar to the Lung Meis or Dragon Paths as seen within the Chinese belief of Feng Shui.

In the Path of Flames, Belial is the God associated with the material plane. The material plane itself is the actual body of the God, and the Dragon Lines in our tradition are the actual spiritual vessels for this Gods lifeforce, analogous in some ways to the blood vessels within our own body.  It facilitates the travel of spirits and the transfer of spiritual power, and exists as a system connecting our world to the astral and the Gods. Without it, similar to the concept of the Dream Lines, we believe the world would begin to literally wither and die.

It is currently the task of those who follow Hecate and the Path of Ascending Flame to work with reinvigorating the Dragon Lines by earthing the currents found through spiritual practice. It is believed that by each individual in this manner bringing back more of the teachings and power, and feed them back into the Dragon Lines, that a much stronger spiritual age can be ushered in and humanity can reconnected with its spirits on a larger level.

Its name as the Dragon Lines is also apt, as the Dragon spirits of the path use it to travel and manifest. The Earth Dragon, Behemuth, draws alot of its power from the lines and travels along them as one of Belials most impressive and powerful servants, and is an entity that I look forward to personally working with in the future.

When this is viewed in the context of the Lines of Power revealed in my previous posts, I can now say my own view and theory on the subject. I believe that, whilst the Dragon Lines themselves exist as a spiritual (but physically existing) system, that some (if not all) of the Lines of Power mentioned also belong to this system as different manifestations of it. By this, I mean that I believe that each of these systems combines to make up the manifestations of the body of Belial, and in essence, are all differing types of Dragon Line.

In this way, I believe the nature of the system has untapped potential for exploration in much greater detail, and I’m looking forward to possibly uncovering more in the future through practical means.  By investigating each set of Lines, I hope that in the future that how each Line operates, and interacts, with the others can be explained in greater detail. I hope this is done through respecting the complexity of the systems involved, rather than trying to merge through over syncretic action separate modes of action (such as how Ley-Lines became confused with the Dragon Line/Song Line concepts in New Age thought).

Hopefully this has been a little primer.. and revealed what directions my thoughts are going on it.

Thanks as always for reading.


The Lines of Power: Part One

Posted in Necromancy, Occultism, The Path of Flames, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , on May 30, 2013 by Sypheara

Firstly, I’d like to apologise for not making an entry sooner. This week and last week have been exceptionally busy for me, in all ways! The lack of posts is definetly not due to lack of things to talk about.. just that my own practice coupled with keeping my own  written records up to date has took its toll.

With that said, I’d like to move swiftly on to the topic at hand that I have chosen for this post. The title, ‘Lines of Power’, refers to the different lines and fields of energy that run through and around the Earth.  This concept plays an important part within my own tradition in understanding certain phenomena and working with them, as its seen as the arteries of the planet, which to us is the physical body of one of our Gods.  Unfortunately, this is often seen as a predominantly New Age Idea with little merit to it, due to the sometimes outlandish claims made involving all sorts of nebulous and undefined terms.

To make this core belief seem more plausible and ground it in some sense of reality,  I am going to go over several concepts to hopefully  show that the actual lines are infact several systems existing parallel to each other of a different nature, which all combine to make up the whole. More importantly, I hope to show that these conclusions are in some manner grounded in much older beliefs.

Ley – Lines Origin and Development

The most obvious and exoteric theory when talking about ‘lines of power’ is found in the concept of Ley-Lines and associated beliefs.These are very well known within New Age groups and in Popular culture as being magical lines through which ‘Earth energy’ or other such things flow. In this section I wish to show that the original concept, and the actual natures within the  Ley Lines, has become confused with other ideas to be blended into a whole that does not work as an explanation and actually detracts from the original nature and understanding of the Leys. Hopefully this will demonstrate that its several existing systems that combine to make the whole picture rather than the Leys that encompass everything.

The Ley-Line theory was originally concieved by Alfred Watkins. Watkins, a self-taught amateur archaeologist and antiquarian, believed that in a flood of ancestral memory he had gained insight onto something whilst looking over a map of Herefordshire. He saw that various prehistoric sites, such as burial mounds and standing stones fell into straight lines for what appear to be miles in length across England. From this point on, Watkins spent many years studying such alignments in the field and on maps, taking photographs, and writing books and giving lectures on his theory.

For a few years in the 1920’s, Watkins referred to these alledged alignments as ‘leys’. This was derived from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘meadows’ or ‘cleared ground’. Watkins explanation for the leys themselves were that they were old straight traders’ tracks laid down by surveyors in prehistory. He claimed that using surveying rods resulted in the roads being built in straight lines. His use of the term ‘ley’ was in regards to the clearings on either side of the road that he logically deduced would have had to be made, due to several of them cutting through dense forest or other problematic terrain. By 1929 however, he had discarded the term ‘ley’ and simply refered to them as ‘old straight tracks’

Additionally, Watkins believed that many of the key sighting points along these old tracks evolved into sacred sites of their own over time with use, resulting in standing stones and burial mounds. He also believed that in the historic, Christian era, some of the Pagan sites became Christianised, explaining why many ancient churchs appeared to stand along his alignments.

Watkins died in  in 1935. A year after his death, the renowned occultist Dion Fortune wrote a novel, called The Goat-Foot God, in which she put forward the notion of ‘lines of force’ connecting megalithic sites such as Avebury and Stonehenge in Southern Endgland. Two years later, Arthur Lawton, a member of Wakings Straight Track Club, published a paper claiming that leys wern’t just trading roads after all, but lines of cosmic force which could be dowsed. He himself was a dowser, and had been impressed by the work done on Dowsing in both France and Germany which claimed that there were lines of force beneath standing stones and at other neolithic sites. Putting these together in his own head, he came up with his own theories about leys.

Over the next few years, this more occult theory became the one that was predominantly spread. Some of the ideas developed from it were interesting, however it soon became interspersed with some very up the air New Age claims, even including gaining an association with UFOs and Alien Channelling. To save another three paragraphs, needless to say that Watkins original idea was buried beneath this more popular conception which caught on in wider culture.

Ley – Lines : Shamanic paths and Death Roads

It has not been to relevently recently that the original ‘Ley Line’ theory has been taken more seriously. This has been spurred by finds in other countries which not only shed some interesting light on the original theory, but tie the original to more believable, real lines of psychological and spiritual power.

This revival has been spurred by the discovery of similar constructs in other parts of the world, such as the Americas. Here, straight roads can be found in relative abundance across certain areas of the landscape. Some of these roads are easily seen to be engineered features, with primary ones being 30 feet across. Even when changing direction, these roads do not bend, instead prefering to angle sharply maintain the road as straight as possible.

Several archaeological sites in Mexico contain very old straight road systems. Sometimes, altars exist on these causeways or they seem to lead to other sites of natural significance. Further south, the Maya built long straight roads, called sacbeob or ‘white ways’. These paths interconnect temples, plazaz, and Mayan cities. Now only existing in fragmentary sections. arches, ramps and other curious structures are related to the Sacbeob and according to local Mayan tradition, the physical network of the roads themselves are joined to non material, spiritual routes. Several of these are said to run underground or into the air itself.

When we examine the prevalence of these roads and neolithic artwork  influenced by straight lines across many cultures, it doesn’t take a very large leap of faith to show something is occuring on mental and spiritual level across the human spectrum.  Anthropologist Dobkin de Rios explained that she believed that they derived from entoptic patterning that occurs in the human cortex early in trance states. She explains that she believes these ‘within vision’ images are universal to every human, and adhere to a basic, specific range of constant geometrically shapes – grids, dots, spirals, lines and so on. These basic elements she explains makes up the basis of the vivid geometric patterns associated with psychoactive substances, and heightened trance states and therefore shamanic practice. As the trance gets deeper and intensifies, she explains how they can take on full fledged imagery.

This would result in straight lines, a common entropic pattern in the form of a tunnel constant, becoming associated with spirit flight and ‘crossing the hedge’ to the spirit world. It is unsurprising then that archaelogists have discovered alot of these paths are used as ‘death roads’, which some still today being used for carrying corpses to burial and material used in the construction of tombs and cemetery walls. While the evidence for such practice is more prevalent in new world locations such as Costa Rica, it’s not a large leap of faith to imagine that they were used in this capacity elsewhere. Infact, evidence continues to exist in folklore and spiritual belief for the connection between people and these death roads and other important landmarks.

It is common in areas of Oceanic and Southeast asia for houses to not be built directly infront or behind another house. This is said to be because spirits travel in straight lines, and when corpses are moved from the house for burial they must go straight out of the house.

The native americans have several interesting beliefs on this as well. Buryat tribes people bury their deceased shames in special places in the landscape, so that their spirits can act as a guardian in the afterlife over the location. In this way, they could be said to augmenting the Genius Loci of a place. These shamanic spirits are thought to travel along specified routes, called goidel. They envisage their territory being criss crossed with these invisible tracks along which the spirits of the dead shamans.

In europe, similar invisible spirit lines are thought to occur, with features like fairy passes in Ireland. These link prehistoric earthworks, upon which it was not permitted to build upon. Archaeologically, there are many strange physical linear features. These include the bronze age standing stones in Europe which pass through burial cairns, and have “blockings tones” at their ends. Even older then these are the avenue lines called “cursuses” in Britain which can be seen connecting neolithic burial mounds. In addition, in Britain ancient bog causeways exist constructed from timber – some of these straight tracks have been excavated, showing that at least one of the uses of these tracks was transporting the dead.

The folk beliefs surrounding straight versus crooked is highly interesting, especially when we consider Old Europe. Often spirit traps consisting of webs or nets of material woven over a frame or tangle threads residing in bottles were placed on paths leading to and from cemeteries, houses and at crossroads. These can still be found in use in parts of Europe today, in places such as Bavaria. The logic behind this idead was that since straight lines facilitate the travel of spirits, winding lines or other forms could confuse or perhaps ensnare them, keeping them at bay or confined. There are also some pieces of evidence that suggest that labyrinths of some kind, whether stone or hedge, were employed to similarly confuse, confine, or cause to get lost spirits that inadvertly travelled into them.  The fact that similar elements appear in Feng-shui is highly interesting, showing that this belief was across cultures, bringing us back to our earlier findings.

In such a manner, I believe that some Ley-Lines do indeed serve a function for Spirits and their travelling. In this manner, the Ley-Lines are indeed lines of ‘spiritual energy’, but relate to the spirits and not some nebulous undefined earth energy. I think that ascribing such a blanket description to the Leys does nothing useful, and only serves to take away from their potential use as a spirit road and fails to account for the human element.

In part two, I hope to cover other fields, most importantly earths magnetic field, showing that it is infact several systems that make up the actual matrix of the different types of energy that are part of the body of our planet. I hope to finish by explaining how my own tradition sees it alongside analogues – hopefully this part will less dense and long!

Thank you for reading as always.